Gonzo Is Gone



Well it took longer than I expected but he got thrown out as a counter measure to pull attention off this mess.

Congress says they're not done yet and will keep investigating , we'll see. Bush made a pathetic whine about how Gonzo was mistreated , all he had to do was tell the truth , or at least the same story twice and this would be over if he had nothing to hide.

Just another rat jumping ship, or being thrown off but either way he's gone. the call for him to go was bipartisan so no it wasn't all because of the big bad dems, but the fact we're getting some oversight in politics again is 100% because of the dem victory last fall. more proof we need a two party system to keep all the crooks honest.
Com'on now, if this were a democrat administration going down in flames you'ld love it. if it were a bunch of democrats caught lying and covering their butt with every trick in the book you'ld be screaming. I think most polititians are crooks or thinking about being crooks at least, when they get nailed I think it's a good thing. that goes for both parties.
Down playing developments like this is either denial or acceptance. Gonzo is just another rat that's true, but this administration is spinning apart and going to lose it's last hold on the country next month, the war. Sen. John Warner, former Navy secretary and ASC chair, now says he may vote with the dems if Bush doesn't start pulling down troop numbers by Christmas.

Yeah none of this matters though you're right, might want to miss the news for the next year or so, nothing to see here.

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