gonna be in salt lake tomorrow



Gonna be in salt lake tomorrow for a doctors appointment. Its at 1, and from prob 3-9 pm i wont have anything to do anyone have a good place to go, some sights to see that usually i drive right past? Anyone have any ideas?


has anyone seen my kittie
LAST EDITED ON Jun-13-10 AT 07:24PM (MST)[p]Somebody should probably go pay a visit to my 89 year old grandmother...

You'll need to get there before 5 though. Not because she goes to bed early, but because that is when the hospice gals come in and give her a spongebath. Definitely want to find somewhere else to be for that.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Grab a straw and a bucket and suck up some of that oil on SLC Creek. Every little bit helps.

In 1997 a ship spilled 5,100 gallons of bunker oil into Humboldt Bay. The final cost for clean up was $5.6 million, or about $1,100 a gallon.

See if Chevron will buy any oil you get for that price.

Cabela's is in lehi.....
Sportsman is on 72nd south....
Natural history museum at the U of U....
Hogel zoo.....
Naw i am gonna have a dd and going to the westerner later on when my friend gets off work...was just wondering if there was gonna be some kinda scenery maybe go watch some racks somewhere or some deer and elk.


has anyone seen my kittie
ohhh history museum sounds like a winner...is cabelas better then the one in boise? I like the museum though love history is a love.


has anyone seen my kittie
LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-10 AT 00:46AM (MST)[p]Save yourself some pain and hang out at the DR's office for a colonoscopy......that would be easier on you than killing 6 hours in SLC!

I guess you could go out by the dump and blast a few seagulls (?)
that comment on the seagulls wasn't very nice,specially when there's a chance he could dump a condor

nice post/thanks for sharring
If your looking for racks go to the gateway, its better if its warm though. Doubt you will find any deer or elk though

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
Take a drive up in the mountain you should see something.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Done the colonoscopy before, all i can say is drugs are good i dont remember a thing...maybe some the harder up guys use this to get some loving...ha ha I ended up having a tempature of 100.8 and after my appointment i came straight home. I stilll dont know how to kill 6 hours. But i did stop at smith and edwards real quick...lots of fun


has anyone seen my kittie

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