Gonna Be A Grammpa


Long Time Member
Well, my wife just took my daughter to the hospital because her contractions are 2 minutes apart. I'm a bit nervous to say the least. I've got the kids at home with me until my wife gives me the text to get down to the hospital. My sister will come over and be with the kids as my parents are camping...great timing! :) Say a little prayer for my daughter that she has an easy labor. Its her first baby and she has no idea what shes in for! I'll let you guys know what happens. I can't wait to meet my little granddaughter, Averie Jo Wisz!

"Get that corn out of my face"
Hey Joey your never too young to have Grandkids, I became a Grandpa at age 34....my Grandson is 34 now..
And my oldest Great Granddaughter is 13 now....LOL

Dang Kilo...you didn't waste any haste did you? Congrats Wiz...was going to say that I had no idea you were old enough for gramps status but then Kilo went and blew that theory out of the water.
Congrats Steve-O!! Tell your daughter I said don't worry labor isn't that bad...of course I've never been through it but seriously it can't be that bad right?? :D

Well Wisz!

It's official!

You're older than me!:D

Hope all is well!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Congrats Steve !!!

Damn your old!!! I hope all goes well, I can imagine all the emotions your feeling right now from being nervous to excited!!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-10 AT 07:31AM (MST)[p]Congrats Wiz. You will enjoy it. My grand daughter is 10 months old and I enjoy her so much. I had no idea how much fun they can be.

edit: Oh yeah, I started very young like kilo did too. ;-)

The doctor said for my daughter to come home until her contractions are consistantly 2 minutes apart for an hour. They got home from the hospital about 1130 so I was a bit bummed. It's just a waiting game now. AND...for your information, I'm anything but old, you sumbitches!! I just turned 39 in September so I haven't quite reached Kilo and Eel old. :)

My son-in-law is an ice hole and moved to a town about an hour and a half from us which isn't far enuf away. The guys a loser and treated my daughter like sh!t. I've told him anytime he wants to come visit, he'll need to come between 10-12 pm and he'll need to come in through the master bedroom window. Get it? I'll have something waiting for his a$$! Unfortunately, he did "hit it"....and that really grosses me out. Thanks guys!! LOL! I'll keep you all informed about when the baby is born. You may resume your regular MM viewing...

"Get that corn out of my face"
So yer sayin she might be lookin for a rebou......uh nevermind lmao!! Hope all goes well with her labor when she gets there and congrats again dude!!

-Z-...Stay the **** away from Santa Maria and my daughter!! HaHa

"Get that corn out of my face"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-10 AT 10:28AM (MST)[p]Congrats Wisz!! I am glad at times like these that my oldest is only 12 (I am 38 - this could be me!) and still listens - for the most part.

Enjoy your granddaughter and love your daughter no matter what!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Congrats ...Gramps,Grand Dad,Pops Pappy etc etc .

GIRLS are the best.

I was my Grandpa's girl( we were best buds from my birth to his death)
Wiz, forgot to tell you congrats on the upcoming Grandpa status. Remember the next time you look at some young gal, she too is the Granddaughter of some old goat! LOL

JUDAS FRIKEN PRIEST!!!!!! I just barley had my first a year ago at 31.....Cant imagine being a Gramps at 38 LOL. Congrats Wiz :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Hang in there Wiz, it's going to be OK. Our only daughter (our only child) has given me three (count 'em...Three) grand sons! How blessed is that?

On the down side, my son-in-law is worse than yours. He's a great father and husband but.......how can I say this? This is hard.......he's a Dodger fan! There, I said it. This little tidbit was kept from me before the wedding of course, or it never would have happened.

Eel- I'm sorry. It's a shame that some feel it necessary to keep even the most critical information from a Father. My guess is that he told you via a letter just prior to leaving for a month long trip out of the country!

"Get that corn out of my face"
Ransom, Overton & Mosnar,

READ the last line of my post above you dork....lol

I feel your pain Eel.. I live down here in "Dodger Country" and it seems that you see those ugly blue hats on a daily basis.

I hope you had a strongly worded conversation with your daughter regarding her husbands flawed character.
Update- False labor the first time. Went back in this morning at 2:30 am after drinking two teaspoons of castor oil (supposed to speed up labor) at about 6 pm. She said it tasted nasty! Anyway, has been in the hospital since then. She's in a bit of trouble as the cord is around the baby's neck so they stopped potocin to induce labor. My need to do a C section. Who knows....Dr. says she'll be born today or tomorrow. Uhhhhhhh, that's a pretty big f'ing window, Doc!! I'll keep you informed. I got a softball tournament down in Ventura this weekend so my wife will be with the prego and I'll be with the two that play softball. Supposed to rain and I hope it does. I wanna see my Grandbaby!

"Get that corn out of my face"
Thoughts & prayers are with your family. Each one is scary but worth it when you get to hold that grandbaby.

Averie Jo Wisz was born last night at 9:01. She's 6 lbs 11 oz, 21 inches long. Emergency C Section. Glad she's finally here. Have a softball tournament in Ventura and the girls have to be there at 6:45 thus this post at 4:30 am! What we do for our kids, eh? Kinda sucks that I have to be out of town the next two days. I'd really like to spend some time with my new granddaughter but I guess I've got the rest of my life so one weekend won't kill me. :) Thanks for all of the kind words!

"Get that corn out of my face"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-10 AT 10:05AM (MST)[p]Congrats on being a Grammpa...kind of a neat gig.

Good that she was born healthy, and I hope it stays that way.

Please tell me she favors your wife/daughter in the looks department. :)

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

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