Gold Rush? Anyone see it?

I love anything to do with Alaska, but this is one of the dumbest shows going. Typical operators, bunch of drama queens.
Agreed. I had higher expectations for it. The upcoming show on AK bush plane pilots looks interesting though.
I liked the part when the Black bear came into their camp and the narrater kept calling it a Grizzly.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
Not impressed. After seeing the first episode I have no desire to see the rest. Drama queen is a great way of putting it.
They are overly dramatic, but nowhere near as bad as "Axe Men". I'll keep watching for a while and see if it gets better.

I liked the nice color phase black bear that they call a griz. They then proceed to whack some poor small black bear and declare victory. I hoped the guy was going to shoot a 7 footer.
I actually really like it. Any minute a tumbler or excavator is gonna be ##### up. I want be watching when it happens. These guys seem to be the biggest idiots out there and there is no telling when mayhem is gonna happen. I hate to say that I want to see them fail, but I guess I do.
The son part of the father/son team seems to be a real pekr head.
Kind of interesting.

The bush pilot show...Discovery Channel as well?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Wasn't this show called Dumb and Dumber before. If the guy next door has make a fortune, why in the hell wouldn't you be talking to him about the ways you would go about finding Gold.

Still I wish I was there looking for gold and bears. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Honestly, Looks like a bunch of wana be operators. And if they want to keep bears away they should use a little common sense. Your not very bright leaving food laying around in grizz country.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-11 AT 00:11AM (MST)[p]The chubby son has a annoying whine to him..Someone I'd like to punch in the lips.

And if they are such big wimps that they have to act like a bunch of teenage girls when a little black bear shows up, they shouldn't be there.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-11 AT 09:22AM (MST)[p]Its the same as Deadliest Catch, Axe Men, or Ice Road Truckers. These topics are somewhat interesting and fascinating, but get boring after a few episodes of the same thing. So the Discovery Channel has to try to make drama out of it by talking about quotas, time schedules, most pounds, most loads, a lot of arguing and posturing by the cast. Gets kinda lame. Watching crab fisherman was pretty fascinating to me for a while.......

Gold Rush is no different. I find it interesting about how they mine for it, but one season will be enough. And I will probably endure the drama that Discovery Channel imposes just so I can see how the operation is going to work.

That jackass on Ice Road Truckers got under my skin. The bear or whatever he was called. He needed a kick in the guts.

I am getting sick of the adds for Gold Rush where the old man says "No Guts No Glory" in a whiny nasty old voice.

I wish DC would just show a few episodes about these kinds of activities and move on to the next, and skip the drama.
A great show. Show me that gold! I wonder how much those "broke" guys are getting paid for doing the show. Maybe that's a demotivator for finding the gold eh? Anyhow, that would be an awesome way to spend the summer.
I watched an episode during which there was a commercial for another reality show involving air travel in Alaska. Bush pilots maybe. Anyway, this one girl very clearly says....'ice road truckers are puZZys'.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Jesus Christ.

Fat, lazy, phony injured mental cases and one morphine addict who don't wanna work and earn it. They wanna spend the days inside their nice campers sleeping, chowing down and playing hooky.

The ones that actually work cannot grind or weld or map out a simple machine process.

Then they bring their wifey and kids up to live with 'em in order impress them as they are wannabe sourdoughs. Wooooooooow!

This show epitomizes the sorriness of our present society in the form of laziness and whining and "poor me".

Sheeesh. Some sorry ass people.
I caught myself watching it after Flying Wild Alaska. That's a good show, but I'm starting to despise Gold Rush now. The cabin Greg (I think is his name) is building is huge. Hell of a place for a summer. Something don't smell right. They have more money than they are letting on. Dorsey is a dumbarse, Todd needs to actually work, and his dad's voice is going to make me slit my throat. Oh well, Discovery can't win them all.
The gold mining thing has potential to be really good, but this show......I just can't watch. I tried.


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-11 AT 06:20PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-11 AT 06:18?PM (MST)

I'm with you Zekers about the ol' guys voice.

I just wonder how many gold nuggets Harnes the Morphine addict has stuffed in his sock when noboby was lookin.
The part that kills me is they bring up a bunch of guys that have no idea what the hell they are doing. One who can't even walk (allegedly) without his morphine. Why would you tote a bunch of guys that far up there that are retarded and with health issues? Also the equipment killed me. Only one of each main component hauled up there, and every bit of it is twenty year old #####, with little or no extra parts. These dumbasses are lucky that breathing is involuntary.

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