Gold Question?



Just wondering if anybody here knows anything about this 24K leaf/flake Gold?
Bought me 10 Vials of it today & within one minute I lost one of the Vials.
It don't seem to be heavy enough to be real Gold?
Just looking for information & hoping somebody knows something?
Gee thanks Eel.. you were supposed to keep that secret.. Now everybody on here knows..
Some much for my gold leaf in water vials ebay business
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-10 AT 09:54AM (MST)[p]That stuff is the same thing a person would buy to use to "gold leaf" a picture frame or a jewelry box, etc. Although it is pure gold, it comes in small sheets a few inches square or narrow rolls. It is fairly cheap because the actual weight is so small due to the minimal thickness.

Of course, when placed in a water-filled glass vial, the water greatly magnifies the size. If you've ever been to Mexico, vendors wander the beaches selling small opals in water-filled glass vials to achieve the same size exaggeration.


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