Going to the Opera


Long Time Member
I wish it was a joke. Me and the Mrs. are going to New York this spring for a little business. Taking a few extra days to see some landmarks and sites which I'm OK with. She informed me we ARE going to see an opera in one of the famous opera houses (I forget which one). Man I'm so not looking forward to this that it actually is ruining the trip already for me. How the hell do I get through this, any advice? Any real men every been to one and lived to tell about it? Am I being to closed-minded? Can I actually have a good time?
...it won't be as bad as you think...really. Go see a broadway play too.

New york is fun to see! There's a lot of cool stuff and a totally different world, it really is! I think the rest of the trip will help dull the pain and they sale alcohol there to help you with your pain tolerance.

I was on top of the twin towers 2 weeks before 9/11 and it was my favorite part of the trip hands down! The empire state building was cool too, you need to go up to the top and check out the views! You gotta go to central park also, there's some cool stuff to see there also or a good place to go relax.

My wife and I went to see Les Miserables some time ago and
thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I think you too will be
pleasantly surprised with this experience.

I have been to a couple of broadway shows and they were great. Not sure about the opera...would probably not enjoy that. Try for 2 broadway shows and no opera? Everything is negotiable.
It can be as fun as your willing to let it be.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
If ya gotta go be sure to take your tripod and spotter along (opera glasses are for dorks) and make sure you get an isle seat. This way you got a place to set your spotter up and also put the beer cooler.
If your going to the opera....go see Phantom of the Opera....going to a live show like that is way better then any movie experience....time will fly and you will actually walk away enjoying the experience i assure you...sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and step out of your comfort zone to realize there is so much more out there to enjoy in life!


Tell Ms F'r to call me,we must talk!

This just ain't right!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?

This Favorite Shhit is getting old already!
Better sneak in your Ipod. The Opera doesn't sound like my cup o' tea, but I've never subjected myself to it either. Good luck to ya!
Feleno clearly all you need to do is tell her you'll go as long as she does something that you really want her to do...fun part is you get to decide what she has to do in return!! Use that imagination of yours buddy lol...

Feleno - You just might be surprised. My wife and I spent some in Italy not long ago and while we were in Palermo we went to an opera at Teatro Massimo (Godfather 3 was filmed there) and it was pretty amazing. Opera is huge in Italy and now I can see why.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll try to keep an open mind.... how bad can a couple hours be right and I might enjoy it? I've been to a few dinner playhouse/singing shows and they were OK, but not something I'd choose to do but this will be a bit different I think.
Suck it up F-er. It won't be that bad. What's a couple hours to keep the wife happy , right ?

The Wife and I were in NY this past Oct. I didn't even want to go to NY let alone see a Broadway play. We saw Rock of Ages and it was pretty entertaining. Plenty of half naked chicks on stage to pass the time.

My only experience with the Opera was Phantom of the Opera
and that too wont kill you. Time to earn your time away during hunting season.
My wife drug me to see Le Mis about 10 years ago, I was so pissed about it. I loved the experience, I ended up buying tickets when they came back to Phoenix a couple years later. I think you will be surprised. If you are able to see Spiderman I hear it is amazing. Good luck to you.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-11 AT 09:31AM (MST)[p]"If your going to the opera....go see Phantom of the Opera....going to a live show like that is way better then any movie experience....time will fly and you will actually walk away enjoying the experience i assure you...sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet and step out of your comfort zone to realize there is so much more out there to enjoy in life!"

Uh..... Not to get too technical, but Phantom of the Opera is NOT an opera! It's a musical play about an opera.... ;) Neither is Les Mis...

That being said Feleno, as many folks have already pointed out; You should go see the opera. Maybe you're enjoy, and maybe not, but either way, you'll have an experience.... :)


I hate to be the person to tell you this, but it will be worse than you can imagine. My wife and my brothers wife forced us to see Phantom of The Opera. The only part I enjoyed was the break, I slammed down a couple of whiskeys. I suggest taking a flask with your favorite beverage!

If you have to go listen to fat ladies singing at the opera your wife should have to go to the ballet and watch hot young flexible babes dance and jump around on stage. It's only fair.
Always wanted to see Lucciano Pavoratti...I guess that's how you spell it. Haven't been to the opera, but have seen several plays. The ex drug me kicking and screaming to see "Cats". It wasn't bad, but "Evita" was awesome! If you guys ever get the chance, you have to see the "Tuna, Texas" guys. Rednecks on Broadway for sure!
The best thing about NY...or the only good thing about NY is the wide variety of GREAT food choices. Visit the "hells kitchen" area in Mid-town. I believe its on 8th ave.

Traditional >>>------->
I seen phantom of the opera and it was not bad. Until I realized it wasn't over and it was just the intermission. Then I wanted to kill myself
Cool for you two Mr & Mrs F'dude!

My son Robby lives in Man'attan.....

Remind me a week or two before you 2 head out and I will toss ya his Phone ### just in case ya need some 'direction'...ha

For real though----

Just get sh!tfaced before you go & take a flask. Works in all situations including church.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
Tell your wife you want to fit in enjoy the total experience, so you need to buy a new pair of Swarovski "opera binoculars" to see it close up!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-11 AT 11:34PM (MST)[p]Feleno

My wife drug me there for five days, kicking and screaming. Turned out to be one of the best trips we've ever had. I'd never, ever, want to live there but I could easily spend a month there, maybe more.

Here's what we did:

Stay a block off Time Square.

First thing you do, and it's safe and easy: learn to use the subway system. Buy a pass. Amazingly clean and the New Yorkers are the most friendly people of any major city I've been to. (I've been to a bunch of them.) Invest the time to learn the subway system and visiting everything is easy as ringing a bell. (there an endless amount of things to see and do.)

Went to:
Ground Zero.

Wall Street.

Federal Hall Museum across from Wall Street.

Check out the amazing Church's (you're allowed to just visit most off them any time of day) the Churches are amazing buildings if you like architecture and art, regardless of you interest in things of the spirit.

Go to the top of the Empire State Building, best view of the city.

Take 2 or 3 hours (during the day time, nights not so good they say) and walk through Central Park. It's right down town.

Visit the The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, right down town. You could spend three days in there and not see it all. It's not a bunch of paintings, it's a collection of the amazing things from every corner of the world, the Islands, Egypt, Europe, Africa, etc.

Take the Ferry out to and walk thru the buildings at Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.

Spend an evening in the, New York Hall of Science, a fascinating place to see for both adults an kids.

Attend a Yankees Baseball, no because you a fan but to see the sites.

Go see Madison Square Garden.

Visit Tiffany's & Co., to rich for me but if you like quality, it's there!

Great restaurants, not as good as Steve's Steakhouse in Richfield but more variety.:D

Buy a New York Dog off a street vendor cart. They look risky but watch how many off the local business men/women eat off them, then give it a try. Good stuff.

I'm not a Board Way play guy but it sure makes the wives happy so I shut my mouth and went to two different ones and I survived. Phantom is famous so we went. Once was enough but everybody should do it once in their life. If I had it to do over I'd go to Les Mes.

Walk Time Square at night, it's alive with people and lights.

They claim that every country in the world has a museum in New York, I can believe it. If you like museums, you can't beat New York.

I'll bet you have a great time!

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