Going to Logan

LAST EDITED ON May-07-10 AT 06:16PM (MST)[p]Cows Mountains better grab a Big Gulp, Enjoy your new Truck LOL

Ok Just kidding The only thing I know about Logan is the Cache Valley Cheese place is pretty cool if you have time to stop.

MMMM Cheese curds :)
Lewiston is north of Logan. As you head north out of Logan before you get to the Idaho border, on the west side of the road is Pepperidge Farms, and on the north side of Pepperidge Farms is a road going west to Lewiston. About 1.5 miles towards Lewiston is the original Fat Boy ice cream factory. Stop and get a shake, you won't regret it.
Hardware Ranch is up Blacksmiths Fork canyon but the elk are probably heading back up the mountain by now.
Lots of pretty country up there.
LAST EDITED ON May-07-10 AT 11:38PM (MST)[p]

You could go thru Logan canyon, it will dump into bear lake..if you want some sight seeing, the canyon splits the north and south cache elk units.

Just a little FYI, in case you didnt already know, but Cache Valley (Logan) is one of the area's that all the mountain men would gather for their yearly rendezvous..they came from all over the Rockies to meet there.

There is also some good site seeing on the USU campus..if you catch my drift :)
A little hike over the Wellsvill Mountains west of Logan. Lots of wildlife. Start on the east base hike west up over the top and down the other side. What is cool about this hike you could say you hiked over the steepest hill in the country. They figure the base width and the height of the mountain it is the steepest in the country. Don't forget to pack a lunch.

Rutnbuck, are you nuts????? That's why he bought a new truck, so he doesn't have to hike over the mountains.:)

I won't have a ton of time so a hike probably won't happen, but thought I'd look around a little. Whee's a good place for a burger and beer? Sage, the truck is "new" to me. Found a good deal on a 2003 GMC 3/4 ton. A new truck is a bit scary as I make my living building houses. Bet you can understand that for sure. mtmuley
Ld's cafe in richmond is the best place to get a burger and a beer. Dont know the address off hand tho.
LDs cafe is really good, at the maverik in richmond turn east and go about a block and a half. Also right in logan The Owl (local bar) has really good food its on about 50 west center st. I eat at the owl a lot for lunch and haven't had anything bad yet from sandwhiches, burgers, buffalo burgers, brawts, nitro wings and cardiac basket its all really good. If your route takes you through logan canyon that is a very scenic drive, i usually take my two boys up there at least once a week for a drive to look for animals.
LAST EDITED ON May-08-10 AT 11:13PM (MST)[p]
I 2nd the White Owl..its not bad, great beer, OK food..Try the Wasatch microbrews while your here, good stuff. Logan canyon may be worth the detour to view the lake, you can loop back up with the freeway thru Pocatello, or just go on up thru Yellowstone. There are a few spots worth checking out in the local hills, but your too early, snow will keep you out...If you have sleds, I'm sure the snowmobiling is still going on in the Tony's grove area of Logan canyon.

White Owl, 36 W Center Street, Logan, UT 84321

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