Going Goat Hunting


Long Time Member
The BC draw results are now online. I didn't draw the moose tag I was wanting but did draw a mountain goat tag for a really great unit. Looks like I'm going to be scouting out the billys this summer. :)
Congrats, I drew as well. Might have to change my plans for the weekend, and head up there.

Congrats on the tag. What unit did ya draw? If it is one of the units up here I probably can give ya a hand on where to look. I drew for 3-42A. Should be a good hunt. Been watching a big billy the last few years in the unit. I don't have to kill myself to get at him. Hopefully with all this cool weather, he won't head for the glaciers in the summer. If he does, I hope that he'll drop low again before the end of Oct.
Not as lucky as you, I drew 3-35, I was in the area years ago, definatly got my work cut out for myself not many goats, and really remote areas, I put in for it cause I wanted to check it for mulies and figured might as well have a goat tag while I am there. Is it clearing up there yet? had great weather down here today, sunny, and clear, even ran into a couple of young bulls. Working for ducks is really showing me some sweet areas for moose.

I just may happen to know where you should look in 3-35. Top end of the Perry (North end of the unit) before you break down into the Ratchford. Spectacular country in there. Man are their a ton of avalanche chutes that have to have some goats kicking around in them. If I had the draw, that's where I'd be focusing. Know there are some great cliffs that can be glassed from the bottom too.

Don't think we've had a day this month where it hasn't rained. Doubt we'll be in danger of burning up this year. ;) Hoping this fog will start petering out so I can get up into the highcountry and start scouting muleys soon.
When do you apply for these tags? What are the odds for a non-resident and how much? Goat hunting would be my favorite hunt if it wasn't a once in a lifetime tag where I live. If I ever draw would one of you guide? Can't wait to see pics!
Last years odds in my unit were something like 3:1. There are lots of areas in the province where it is over the counter general season hunts. :) The only way a non-resident alien can hunt here though is with a licenced guide outfitter. No waiting for tags to be drawn either.
LOL BCboy, how did I know you would know where to find goats in the area? Thanks for the tips, definatly will help the scouting.

Glad the draw gods were good to you. Hopefully you shoot a monster.... Allen Taylor......
Well i didnt get a goat draw this year but my dad and I drew moose! My dad also drew west kootenay elk in zone 4-16 A! Lots of meat in the freezer this year hopefully. Anybody know anything about this particular zone?
Congrats on the tags!! Thats it, I'm getting duel residency!

AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting and Scouting
Congrats Steve, hopefully we will be comparing Big Billy pics this fall!!

Thanks for all the nice comments. Yea, I think this year I should GET 'ER DONE!!!! Enough dinking around, time to drop one of those ba$tards. :) Just can't waste too much time at it. Only have 3 months to hunt muleys you know.
Those long haired billies are really starting to look good to me!
Good luck this fall and I'm sure you will take some great photos.
I'm sure I speak for all, when I say that I love your photos.
Once again, good luck!
Congrats on the goat draw. I had a grizzly draw in 3-42A about 6-7 years ago. It is pretty thick country. We hunted south of Tumtum lake, didn't see any Grizz or goats. Good luck on your hunt. Where did you put in for moose, same area?
Oliver Creek is a good grizz hang out. The local dentist took one out of there last year.
I've worked a lot in that country so I have a good idea where the goats are going to be.
I put in for moose on the Clearwater side of the mountain.
Just got a second choice goat tag for the revelstoke area. The unit borders glacier national park so hopefully there will be some nice goats in that country. Access is going to be tough!

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