Goinf to Cabela's Friday



Hey guy's I'm a little excited, I'm headed to Cabela's in Reno on Fiday this is my first trip to a Cabela's. I have spent all week circling items in their catalog and making a list of what I want to check out when I get their. My Mother-in-law is getting married in South Lake Tahoe this weekend so I told the wife we would be leaving a little early on Fiday and making a small detour to check out Cabela's.

Living where I live the best thing we have is Wally World until a few months ago then we got a Sportsman Warehouse, but that is still an hour away.

Slide gonna be spendin some of mommas money...........
Cabelas is cool, I was there in Reno a few weeks ago. Aside from it being "Cabelas" and having all the cool mounts and displays......There is'nt much more than SW, I did notice that alot of things seemed to run a little cheaper than the catalog lists them though. Have fun, you wont wanna leave :)
Hardway, when you were there did they hava a lot of Turkey calls and Turkey stuff out?


I dont turkey hunt much so I was'nt looking, but if memory serves me they had a pretty good selection. They did'nt have every little thing thats in the catalog for instance, they did'nt have one badlands or eberlestock pack which kinda dissapointed me. All these years looking at the catalog, it was pretty neat to see some of the stuff in person. Have fun, HW
Yes cabelas RULES. My favorite one is in Kansas City. They have one entire wharehouse dedicated to nothing but mule deer. Simply awesome.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Slide you are gonna have an awesome time. I finally had my first-time experience last summer in Boise. I spent 2 hours just walking around trying to take it all in. Only 1 problem after 20 years of catalog ordering I walked out with a couple of t-shirts for the wife and kids and a hat.

The mounts are awesome, the camo clothes selection is like non other, it truly is a hunter's paradise.
Unfortunately my boys can't go because we are going on to Tahoe after Cabela's. Anyway, I was telling my boy's last night that dad would bring them home something from Cabela's and my 9yr old says " like a new 20 gauge" and I said no, more like a Tee-shirt or hat, but I like the way he thinks.

202 we agree KC is the best. The Mule Deer Country exhibit is awesome. But there all pretty cool enjoy yourself.
Hey Slide, I live in Reno and visit Cabela's just about every other week with my son. You should find just about everything you circled in your catalog. Turkey, duck, predator.......the list goes on and on. They have an indoor archery tunnel too. I'm looking to buy my boy a new bow so we go all the time and shoot different ones. It's awesome....you'll love it.

Thanks Fly, I just bought my son a new bow for X-mas, I got him the Fred Bear aaaggghhh I can't remember the name of the bow. Anyway I can't wait to go, I just wish the kids could go with me. Oh well next time, for sure.

After all the hype of getting a Cabelas here in Boise I was a little disapointed. Not that it isn't cool and all, but I guess I just expected more. No way I could waste 2 hours there, more like 20 or 30 minutes tops.

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