God or Country?



i am trying to decide if i should go on an mission for my church and god

or if i should join the military and serve my country

i am 19 and my mom and step dad moved there to utah from maine in august

what would you have a son or daughter do from thees two choicies

Bobbie Faycer
Well, I think the Marine Corps priority list goes God, Corps, County. Or you could do both. You really have to answer that one yourself though. Only you will know.
I never served in the military, but I did serve a mission. I can tell you that experience was priceless. Nothing I can imagine, will prepare you for life, better than a mission. You will learn responsibility, financial management, humility. You'll learn to eneract with different cultures, religions, and personalities. And you'll learn to appreciate the Savior in way that will benefit you for the rest of your life. Both are great undertakings, so I guess it depends on where you are spiritually, and where you want to be.

Yelum is right. Where are you spiritually, Maybe you should pray about it and find out where your heart is. Or you could even do both. Serve the lord first and use that experience to make yourself a better soldier when your serving the country.
Why couldn't you serve God while in the military? You do not have to go to a foreign country to help Gods children when we have so many in need right here.
My favorite holiday is July 4th and Veteran's Day is 2nd.....I am truly grateful for everything those in the military do for us....I try my best to tell them "thank you" on a regular basis; even help with some handicapped hunting and fishing opportunities.

Go on a mission. For you and for your future children. It is an even higher calling. IF things are such that the military is still on your horizon after you come home....

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I'd recommend that you get yourself in College!! You'll have plenty of time to serve either worthy cause and prepare yourself for making a living, after you better your education.
St. John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man sacrifice his life for his fellow man.

so which ever you decide to do, serving your country covers all the bases!
What's more important to you as a person?? I had the same opportunity when I got out of high school and I chose to fight for freedom because that's what was and still is more important to me...good luck with your choice buddy!! Glad to hear you're at least considering fighting for your country though, we as a country need more fighters now then ever before IMO...

LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-09 AT 01:21PM (MST)[p]If you are worthy there is no choice. Just obey the commandments.

To those who haven't served a mission this may sound a little elitest, but to those of us who have, like YELUM said, there is nothing you can do in two years that will more prepare you for what you are truly supposed to do in this life.

Besides that, this is a very serious decision you need to make after careful consideration, wise counsel from your Bishop and parents and of course, sincere prayer. MonsterMuleys is hardly the best place to seek advice over such an important decision.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Gotta figure it out for yourself. I'd never trade in my mission for anything. Made me who I am today. You can always get in the military when you get home. Not as easy the other way around. God is more important. Either way I think everyone should do one or the other. Or both.
I agree with Roy; MM is probably not the most appropriate venue to seek advice for such a life-altering decision.

That being said, look within yourself to determine your inner motivation. Keep in mind that missions are tough, character-building experiences.

It's going to be a bad experience if you go merely to please your parents, harboring ill feelings of resentment towards them for it. If that's the case, then save yourself and your potential future companions from that misery, and join the military (also a very honorable way to go). Likewise, if you know there are issues that you need to resolve with your bishop that you don't intend to resolve before entering the MTC.

However, if you decide to go for the right reasons, or even just because you trust that your parents have your best interest at heart and you're therefore willing to humbly submit yourself to the mission rigors with a positive attitude, then you will be able to accomplish greater things for both yourself and your future family; more than you could through just about any other choice you might make. But it's not a given. You'll still have to put in the work.

Good luck in your decision.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-09 AT 09:14PM (MST)[p]...and one more thing: "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God."

With that in mind, it's not necessarily a choice between God and Country, is it?
>I agree with Roy; MM is
>probably not the most appropriate
>venue to seek advice for
>such a life-altering decision.

Well, I've seen weirder stuff asked here. And some that are just as important.
>>I agree with Roy; MM is
>>probably not the most appropriate
>>venue to seek advice for
>>such a life-altering decision.
>Well, I've seen weirder stuff asked
>here. And some that are
>just as important.

Actually, my first gut reaction was the same. After looking at the responses posted here thus far, I'd say it seems to be a pretty good place to ask the question. At least there have been very appropriate answers and counsel given. And like NVB says, I've seen stranger posts than this.

I served in the UNITED STATES ARMY and was proud to put on that uniform every day. Like Yelum said that experience was priceless. Take my word for it you will learn each and every one of those things he mentioned, besides knowing that because of our veterans others are able to serve thier missions. I also fly my flag every 4th of july and veterans day and lets not forget memorial day, these are the best holidays this country has. Good luck with your decision.
If I was 19 again I would join the military. One thing I wish I could go back and change. That being said a mission is good for some if you go for the right reasons. My brother when and loved it, I chose not to. Shortly after I found beer LOL.

Good luck to you, I am sure whatever you do either will be rewarding. At least you are serving one way or another, so my hats off to ya.
I had a similar decision to make at 19. I chose the mission and have never regretted it. It laid the foundation for the rest of my life. I had friends who went into the military. Only you can make that decision, but if God is important to you then make sure you seek His guidance if you need it.

My son is currently serving a mission and leaning heavily toward the military after his return.
You could even consider both. One of my sons completed a successful mission. He then started going to school at a university. He learned that if he joined the Army National Guard, they would pay for his school. He ended up making a choice to sign up for their officer program, which means upon graduation, he will have at least a four-year commitment to serve. He chose sattelite communications as MOS, and now is pursuing electrical engineering degree. He also has a completely different attitude about the military now then he had when he started.I am proud of the fine individual he turned out to be, both from what he learned from his mission service and his military service.
Hit your knees kid... That is the only way you will figure out what you need to do for you.

For me it was college ball, or a mission... I played baseball my whole life, and it was what my life revolved around so choosing a mission was tough, but it was the choice I made. I can honestly say that everything good that has happened to me since can be attributed to that service. It was a great opportunity, and a great way to mature, but as mentioned by others, it's not for everyone.

So again, hit your knees and get some answers from the one with all the answers... Not us MM knuckleheads that just think we know all the answers :)

Good luck bud!
I'm not Mormon
But I have seen the young kids(friends) who go on their missions and after they come home the maturity level is heads and shoulders above kids who don't, So I say go on your mission and then if the Military still is calling you go. Your Mature will help you out on the phase of your life too.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Go to college in another state. If you cant afford it, go into the military and then go to college on the GI Bill. That will prepare you for life, not going on a mission for the Mormon Church.
BB- I would wager that a good chunk of people that went on missions for the "Mormon Church" would beg to differ...

Just sayin
"BB- I would wager that a good chunk of people that went on missions for the "Mormon Church" would beg to differ...
Just sayin"

Exactly my point. Its a biased opinion from Mormons. I think a college education and a military background looks a little better on a resume than a Mormon Mission. With the economy the way it is he might want to think about getting a good job to pay for a house, truck, 10 kids, ect. Just sayin.
BB, I agree with that. It definitely could be considered a biased by LDS folks, and I don't discredit that at all... but I went, and I now have a good job, and am supporting a family, and I go to school full time with out any problems.

And to be honest, as biased as it may sound, I feel the people skills I learned on a mission help me with my work... The patience I learned help me with my family, and the study habits I developed help me with my school. And I can keep going on how the mission has helped me in my life.

I guess what I am trying to get at is that though it may be a biased thing for us in your eyes, we truly feel that it helps us a great deal in our lives.

Whether or not Bobbie chooses to go is up to him, and I am sure he will do what is best for him whether that is mission, military or college, or all 3.

And when all is said and done...Who are any of us to tell him what to do?
>BB, I agree with that. It
>definitely could be considered a
>biased by LDS folks, and
>I don't discredit that at
>all... but I went, and
>I now have a good
>job, and am supporting a
>family, and I go to
>school full time with out
>any problems.
>And to be honest, as biased
>as it may sound, I
>feel the people skills I
>learned on a mission help
>me with my work... The
>patience I learned help me
>with my family, and the
>study habits I developed help
>me with my school. And
>I can keep going on
>how the mission has helped
>me in my life.
>I guess what I am trying
>to get at is that
>though it may be a
>biased thing for us in
>your eyes, we truly feel
>that it helps us a
>great deal in our lives.
>Whether or not Bobbie chooses to
>go is up to him,
>and I am sure he
>will do what is best
>for him whether that is
>mission, military or college, or
>all 3.
>And when all is said and
>done...Who are any of us
>to tell him what to

Well put. I am just offering my advice. He asked.
Gellerman - in all due respect, you have no idea what you are talking about.

This is exactly why this is the the best place to seek advice concerning this decision.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>This is exactly why this is
>the the best place to
>seek advice concerning this decision.

I have no idea what I am talking about huh? Read your post again. What the hell are you trying to say?
Military aside, I would counsel every young man to serve a mission, (even non Mormons should get their act together and go). You will never have experiences in your life like you will during those two years.
Mission aside, if my kids were to ask me if they should join the military I would honestly say no. Why would I say that? Look at what happens to the soldiers over seas who actually do their job, they are getting court martialled, prosecuted, arrested, you name it. Look at the rules of engagement, you arent allowed to shoot unless you are 100% sure there will be no civilian casualties and only if retreat is impossible and only then with approval from your commanders. Why dont we just send our guys out with water pistols? I believe it is a war being run by people with political interests and I would not want my kids to be killed because they are not allowed to defend themselves.
Sorry - should read NOT the best place to seek advice concerning this decision.

To explain myself with respect to your advice, which is of no fault of your own - just a reflection of your perspective, and the very reason why I did say "all due respect" because you are just trying to help, you don't understand what an LDS mission is all about or what happens to a young man or woman who serves one. You don't have the perspective necessary to say what a mission wiil or won't do. So to tell someone that a mission wouldn't look as good on a resume just shows a lack of understanding. That's all.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>Sorry - should read NOT the
>best place to seek advice
>concerning this decision.
>To explain myself with respect to
>your advice, which is of
>no fault of your own
>- just a reflection of
>your perspective, and the very
>reason why I did say
>"all due respect" because you
>are just trying to help,
>you don't understand what an
>LDS mission is all about
>or what happens to a
>young man or woman who
>serves one. You don't have
>the perspective necessary to say
>what a mission wiil or
>won't do. So to tell
>someone that a mission wouldn't
>look as good on a
>resume just shows a lack
>of understanding. That's all.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

That makes more sense considering what you wrote in post 10. If you want to believe that a mission looks as good as military or a college degree on a resume, then you can believe anything. That must be a Utah thing. Your right I dont know much about serving on a mission, because i did the military route. If all the mormons on here want to tell this kid to go on a mission then thats par for the course. I just feel its a little biased considering this is a public forum. The web address isnt calleed Monster Mormons or Mormon Mafia.
Well not trying to make this a Mormon based website by any means, but this is an LDS question that in order to give the kid the advice he SHOULD receive really should only be answered by those who have LDS perspective. It is a loaded question really that the kid should ultimately answer for himself. Hopefully he will make the right decision. This just isn't the best place to solicit the kind of advice he needs.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The most powerful learning on a mission comes through opposition. He may as well start here. Anyone deflected from that service as a result of posts on a web forum would probably not last very long in the field.
>Well not trying to make this
>a Mormon based website by
>any means, but this is
>an LDS question that in
>order to give the kid
>the advice he SHOULD receive
>really should only be answered
>by those who have LDS
>perspective. It is a loaded
>question really that the kid
>should ultimately answer for himself.
>Hopefully he will make the
>right decision. This just isn't
>the best place to solicit
>the kind of advice he
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

I guess I am not qualified being babtized mormon, serving in the military, having coworkers and family that are mormons. Only pro-mormon mission posters are allowed. All others will be discredited by the mormon site members. I remember what it was like to be pressured to go on a mission. Your right that he needs to make that decision himself, but we all know thats not how the Mormon Church works. This post illistrates that and I am sure his family and church members put a lot of pressure on him to go on a mission. I guess recommending to someone who is asking the question "should I go on a mission or go into the military" that they should go to college (and if they cant pay for it to join the military and get them to) is bad advice. The pressures you put on these young men to go serve your church are not so suttle. Just an observation.
It suprised me when I read some of the responses so far.

but if it were me and I could do it all over again it choose mission first, military second.

I believe kids now days need to do one or the other. You really cant go wrong with either choice.

Good luck with your decision!


Archery is a year round commitment!!
Apparently he realizes there is a time for seriousness.

I guarantee if you go on a mission you will never regret it.

If you decide to go in the military that is a great sacrifice as well.
>Well not trying to make this
>a Mormon based website by
>any means, but this is
>an LDS question that in
>order to give the kid
>the advice he SHOULD receive
>really should only be answered
>by those who have LDS
>perspective. It is a loaded
>question really that the kid
>should ultimately answer for himself.
>Hopefully he will make the
>right decision. This just isn't
>the best place to solicit
>the kind of advice he
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

to late, wow out #'erd
...my mission was un-fricken-believable and lasted just over 7 years....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>Apparently he realizes there is a
>time for seriousness.

Me? Serious? You have got to be kidding. I just chose not to offend any of my LDS friends... today. So far.

Manny, post some of your drivel and see if I am so nice.

But since you asked so nice.
.....and after 7 years of missionary, I changed my style....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-09 AT 07:23AM (MST)[p]Nah, you asked a great question Bobbie. A question any open-minded individual would. You're trying to get all the input and perspectives you can.

But realize that Mormons will have a biased opinion on the subject here on the Campfire, or anywhere for that matter. i.e. If you grow up in Provo and ask people where you should go to college, you think they'll tell you UCLA?

I say go to college. As aforementioned, the military is very respectable; but the game is not being played fair lately (according to 3 friends in active duty). A mission, from my understanding, seems like a great way to connect to your God and focus your life. However, I would charge that you can learn similiar life skills going away to college. I went away to college on my own, and it was a life altering experience...in a very good way. Independence, self-reliance, responsibility, personality are all traits I acquired in college. I highly recommend.

Don't some cultures/tribes/religions cast out their young members, as a challenge to see if they come back? My point is, you will never regret experiencing something different in life to establish you as a more well-rounded individual.

"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was."

Good luck with your choice. All are very respectable.

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
Bobbie, you did ask a god question. I don't regret my military service for one minute but, served with a guy who did both. Ask yourself why am I going to make either choice and see if it is for the right reasons. Both are admiral choices but, it seems most of your advice is coming from former missionaries.
+1 BGbasbhat

Really Bobbie, this is a question only you can answer. It seems what you really need to ask various people is "was your experience worth it?" whatever that may have been. You're asking a slightly loaded crowd here. That's OK. Take their advice and weigh it. But you're gonna get a little ribbing from guys like me who really have no idea about missions or military service but who went to college or to work and did neither of the other two. Again more entirely valid information that you need to weigh. It all depends on you and what you believe. My only caution, as a casual non-LDS observer on the whole mission thing, is make sure it is your choice. Not someone else's.

And there, elkantlers, is my serious side. Enjoy it cuz it probably won't last long. :)
NVB, your a mormon basher?????? I'm cool with that just as long as you bash all the other religions to. Just don't forget we all have our freaks. Do I think the mission thing with mormons is a little retarded? OH YEAH, wigs me out a little bit. But then again I'm wierded out by those people who stand up to sing in church with their hands in the air. And how about those churches that bring out tamborines! Yikes. My answer to you would be to do like my mormon friend in Idaho did. Him and his quote "partner", lol pun intended, went to alaska. They mainly worked 18 hour shifts in fish gutting plants and made a butt load. Said they got very little missioning done but the money was sweet. Then they took it all at the end and went on a hunting trip.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-09 AT 08:44AM (MST)[p]Did I say I was a Mormon basher? Don't think so stinker. I have many LDS friends. I bash everyone equally. Well ok some, like you, I bash harder but only cuz you deserve the best. :)

Edit: Oh, and if you are thinking I'm a Mormon basher from Manny's comments, you can't believe anything Manny says without running it by snopes.com first.
>AT 08:44?AM (MST)

>Did I say I was a
>Mormon basher? Don't think so
>stinker. I have many LDS
>friends. I bash everyone equally.
>Well ok some, like you,
>I bash harder but only
>cuz you deserve the best.
>Edit: Oh, and if you are
>thinking I'm a Mormon basher
>from Manny's comments, you can't
>believe anything Manny says without
>running it by snopes.com first.

Wow for a second there I thought you were going to discriminate me in all this...
Son in all reality, PRAY about it, if God wants you in the Field he'll direct you?
Here ya go Bobby. Your gonna need to read your other post about flyin' the coop or staying to find the answer to this one.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-

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