god #$%@ america ????

That could explain why Baracks wife said that for the first time in her adult life she is proud of her Country. Maybe, since Barack decided to run, it really is? I think she said exactly what she meant.

If he hates black politians how does thay make him Obama's buddy?

Didn't I see that church on The Blues Brothers?

Are you suggesting that that is not Barrack Obama's pastor for the last 20 years? He is just a right wing made up story?

2007 Profile: Wright provides ?spiritual guidance? for Obama, Oprah
posted at 7:59 am on March 14, 2008 by Ed Morrissey

Before the press began looking into the inflammatory rhetoric of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, they fawned over his association with Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey. In a Chicago Tribune profile that appeared just as Obama announced his candidacy for the presidency in January 2007, the Senator confirmed the close relationship with the firebrand preacher at Trinity United Church. Wright provides both a moral compass and political advice, Obama said ? then:

Wright, 65, is a straight-talking pragmatist who arrived in Chicago as an outsider and became an institution. He has built a congregation of 8,500, including the likes of Oprah Winfrey and hip-hop artist Common, by offering an alternative to socially conservative black churches that are, Wright believes, too closely tied to Chicago?s political dynasties.

Obama, too, also came to the city as a young unknown. Emerging from relative obscurity with his win in the Democratic U.S. Senate primary race for a U.S. Senate seat, he found a growing audience by preaching the politics of social justice and common ground. He has encouraged Democrats to acknowledge the power of faith in the lives of Americans. Now, he is positioning himself as a presidential candidate who can unify the American people.

Obama says that rather than advising him on strategy, Wright helps keep his priorities straight and his moral compass calibrated.

?What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,? Obama said. ?He?s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking as truthfully about what I believe as possible and that I'm not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that's involved in national politics.?

This sounds much different than Obama?s ?old uncle? analogy that he has used of late as more of Wright's inflammatory rhetoric has come to light. Wright has always stirred controversy, but not to the level that Obama feels now. Calling on his congregation to say ?God damn America? and railing at Hillary Clinton because she has never been called the N-word may not have a great impact on the rapidly diminishing number of primary elections Obama has to face before winning the nomination. It will have a huge impact on how people see him in the general election, since as Obama himself stated in this piece, he seeks out Wright for political guidance before making any ?bold? political moves.

What kind of advice would people believe him to receive from Wright, after having heard his sermons? And why would Obama seek it, and feel comfortable in the race-baiting environment Wright provides?

Obama may have less to lose than Oprah Winfrey, however. She has built a media empire by making herself accessible to women across all demographic lines. Not many people would associate Oprah?s easygoing nature and warm, welcomng appeal with the kind of oratory provided by Wright. Both Obama and Winfrey may have to tune their ?old uncle? messages in the weeks and months ahead, if they want to continue their wide appeal to Americans who don't feel compelled to ask for God?s damnation on the nation they love.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
This clown says a lot of things I think are goofy, but all preachers do. if any ties to the Black Panthers or a group like that can be made then Obama may have something to worry about. if you're going to use goofy things preachers say against him then all religions are fair game.

I only know one black guy and he's a good guy, but the attitude this preacher has is in him he's slipped and said things that show it. none the less I'd trust him as much as anyone, I think you had to grow up black to understand. times have changed and I hope race relations are getting better, Obama becoming president should take the wind out of the sails from those like this preacher. if whites elect a black man president then what more could they ask for, dorks like Jesse Jackson will have a hard time playing that down and maybe we can move on. Obama wants to be president not master of the universe, he isn't going to have the power give control of the nation to the blacks so calm down.
And Eliot Spitzer thinks HE has a problem!

Oh wait, he does, too.

Just imagine if Obama wins in November. Can you just imagine the nut jobs like this guy that are going to come out of the woodwork?

Imagine these as a few of our potential new cabinet officers
Secretary of State: Jesse Jackson
Secretary of Defense: Ron Dellems
Attorney General: Alan Dershowitz (would Obama put a jew on his cabinet?)
Secretary of HUD: Al Sharpton

Just imagine some of the nominations we're going to get for the supreme court!!!
Has he or anyone acting on his behalf done anything that would be considered a hate crime? if not then he's a goofy preacher selling his blabber and it would appear doing quite well.

He does seem racist but big deal, that's America like it or not and it goes both ways. If I hear Obama talking like that I'd be concerned, if I really though most people believed everything their preachers said I'd be concerned.

What is this hang up everyone has with religion anyway? first he's not fit for president because he's a muslim. now he's not fit because his christian preacher is a goof ball. Bush is a born again, you ever see those freaks rolling on the floor flip flopping and talking like retards? if Bush did that at a meeting with Putin what would you say? give me a racist black guy anyday. we have freedom of religion and that goes for goofy black preachers and floor floppers, as long as they do their job it's not a problem. Obama has been in politics long enough if the Black Panthers were a group he was allied with somebody would have figured it out by now.
What is your hangup with the black panthers anyway? Newsflash>>>>>>>they aren't the only racist organization in america. His pastor is a hatefull fear mongoring racist who hates not only whites but our great country. He preaches hate. Trying to give his hateful racist remarks a pass by calling him goofy is...well...goofy.

How in the world could someone attend a church for twenty years, be married in and have their children baptised in the same church and call this pastor a "mentor" and not at least partially share some of the same beliefs. His wife has given us a glimpse I think into their actual feelings for america with some of her comments.

I am sure any minute now that the obama campaign will try to distance themselves from this guy but history is stronger than words.
Obama did denounce the racial and anti American statements.

He says he sought spiritual guidance not political guidance and did not agree with some of the things that were said while he wasn't present. I don't know what he really thinks and niether do you, but nothing he's done would suggest there is a problem with his dedication to his country or that he hates whites.

The attention his preacher is getting shows how desparate some are to bring him down, a week ago it was because he didn't have a preacher now it's they don't like his preacher. it might work or it might backfire, I wouldn't hold out too much hope and I think McCain stil has a tough road ahead of him. if this helps anyone it's Hillary.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-08 AT 00:38AM (MST)[p]Well you didn't expect obama to come out and make a statement saying that he is a racist and agrees with his mentor, did you?

Even though obama is trying now to distance himself from this bigot, by saying he doesn't agree with him, he is still a member of obama's campaign.

Although we may not know obama personally we do know that he attended this racist preachers sermon's for twenty years and describes him as a mentor. There is no way that this blatant kind of racism and hatred can go completely unnoticed for that long.

That to me is plenty of cause for concern.
Most of didn't believe him when he said he wasn't a Muslim, now you don't believe him when he says he's not a racist Christian. it obvious you're fishing for the most believable negative story, typical politics.

Guilty by association is a real weak argument, where in his actions has he done anything racist? I'm not even that impressed with Obama but these cheap shots are pretty lame, if you can't dig up something real just say you don't like him and leave it at that.
"I'm not even
that impressed with Obama but
these cheap shots are pretty
lame, if you can't dig
up something real just say
you don't like him and
leave it at that."

WoW! I didn't realize that this wasn't real!

The obama campaign doesn't either since they are doing everything they can to distance themselves from this pastor.
Dude, I agree that trying to pin the ?Muslim? label on Obama is weak at best. Barak had no choice in the religion of his family when he was born.
This church and preacher are a different story. Just because Obama is trying to distance himself now that videos have come out means nothing. He (Obama) went to this church and was an active, supportive member for two decades. He claimed allegiance to both church and preacher right up until the controversial nature of this church became exposed during this primary.
What if a republican candidate for national office had attended KKK meetings for twenty years, and continued to be a KKK member right up until it was discovered during the campaign. Then he comes out and renounces the KKK ? Do you believe him ? Do you consider voting for him ?
Why not? if he didn't break any laws. there have been lots of active KKK members in political office, probably wouldn't go over so well today but it sure used to.

Obama has done nothing wrong and he has lots of white friends, that must say something about him. if he hung out in the hood away from whites or it could be proven he said or did things against whites himself I'd have a different attitude, this church thing is just political BS.

By the way the media has jumped on this like ugly on Oprah so where is your " the mean media only picks on conservatives and loves Obama " stuff now? I'd say he's getting a lot of grief over nothing myself, if the media plays favorites they aren't showing it now.
I spent 21 years in the Army defending his right to say what he said. So let him talk.
Obama hasn't broken any laws that I know of, but he has shown some serious errors in judgment and a morbid fascination with this pastors racist views. I can think of a lot of reasons not to vote for Obama, his allegiance to this church is just one more.

For the better part of four decades, the media has shown a bias against conservatives.
During the first part of this primary season, Obama was getting a pass while the press was treating Hillary pretty bad. Worse than she deserved. Now they seem to be switching gears and going after Obama. Fact is it doesn't matter, because it's still the primary. Wait till the main election and see if McCain gets treated fairly. I'll bet you a case of Fat Tire Ale whoever the democrat candidate is, they get an easy ride compared to McCain.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-08 AT 11:03PM (MST)[p]How well known can it be that he has a fascination with this preacher when a week ago he was being called a muslim?

It seems more like the bash Obama's religion flavor of the month club than an important issue.

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