Goats released on Mt. Jefferson


ODFW released 45 Mountain Goats on the East slope of Mt. Jefferson yesterday. The release site was on the Warm Springs Reservation, but just a few miles from the Mt. Jefferson wilderness boundary.

Lots of folks complain about ODFW but kudos to them on this project. It must have certainly taken some professional/political will and a strong backbone to find this solution for getting goats back into the Cascade range. I am appreciative that someone had the courage to find a way to work around the roadblocks thrown up by the environmentalists who have been working to block this from happening.

There are those who are complaining that the goats should not have been released on the rez, but take a look at a map of where they were released and I think you will agree this was a brilliant solution. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those goats are on Forest Service land by the weekend. A great day for Oregon citizens and hunters. Thanks ODFW.
Yep - good job ODFW! In todays world there is always an Anti-Something group just waiting to sue, file a lawsuit, or get a court injunction.

The initial reaction by us hunters would normally be anger to the prospect of ODFW relocating public wildlife to reservation lands. In this case the anger would be misplaced, IMHO. The goats are quite nomadic, and most certainly do not give a rip about property lines. They will expand on their own to nearby public lands.

ODFW partnered with the tribe to get something good done, and avoid years of legal battles! They benefitted the wildlife, and saved us all a bunch of money in legal fees and court costs!

Life is like riding bulls. You're never truly ready ..... it just gets to be your turn.
i beilive they said when they have a population of 50 animals for 5 yrs, on the reservation, the indians could hunt them.

but what people need to understand on this one is ODF&W AND the WSIR fully expect these goats to be on public ground in no time. by using th ereservation , they bypassed years of research needed, tons of money spent just to get the goats in the same spot. think about it, are the goats going to go up to the cliffs that goats live in or down to the sage flats of the reservation?

we still have A TON of work to be done on are deer herds, but GREAT JOB ODF&W on this one.
Yah the "indian rights" says one animal per year of this species. After yr 5 of the Billy's being in there, they will be gone within a couple yrs...

they need to change the way they do things on those frickin rez concering animals harvested. Did you know the Warm springs indians get up to 3 elk and 5 deer per year, per family? Of course we have no control over that, just like all the casinos and paying NAUTA in taxes!!! (nauta is actually my last name) ha

My mother is native american from the Chactaw tribe in MT. She is even fed up with most of their BS...which is supprising.

Just my 2 cents

LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-10 AT 09:04AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-06-10 AT 08:41?AM (MST)

>Yah the "indian rights" says one
>animal per year of this
>species. After yr 5 of
>the Billy's being in there,
>they will be gone within
>a couple yrs...
>they need to change the way
>they do things on those
>frickin rez concering animals harvested.
>Did you know the Warm
>springs indians get up to
>3 elk and 5 deer
>per year, per family? Of
>course we have no control
>over that, just like all
>the casinos and paying NAUTA
>in taxes!!! (nauta is actually
>my last name) ha
>My mother is native american from
>the Chactaw tribe in MT.
>She is even fed up
>with most of their BS...which
>is supprising.
>Just my 2 cents

I just need to set the record straight! I am from the Warm Springs Rez and there are not any plans for any of the goats to be hunted anytime soon. If i'm anywhere close, I believe they will not be hunted for at least 15 years and then it will be maybe 1 tag a year put out to a tribal member (who knows maybe even a non-tribal member) under a raffle/draw system. That is assuming that they stick around?

As for our other animal harvest(s) we are given a buck tag for the month of October and a bull or cow elk tag for the month of November...or if you choose to archery hunt elk then you get a two week period during September to get your elk. Now we do have our share of illegal harvesting as anywhere else but if the Mt. Goats stick around they are being monitored daily and I don't see any poaching happening to them...plus they are pretty much inaccessable anyhow!

As for your statement about "us" not paying taxes...well I have been employed by our tribe for 16 years and I don't recall never having to pay taxes...as a matter of fact taxes get taken out of my paycheck monthly just as anybody else...haha I wish I didn't have to pay taxes as much as the next person wishes they didn't have to. That BS about us injuns not paying taxes is just that...total BS!!!

I also did't know there was a "Chactow tribe in Montana (MT)???"
Personal taxes sure...I was talking about "casino's" if you can read my post correctly.

Chactaw not Chactow. If you dont beleive me, look it up online. Are you a "whiteman" livin on the rez? I wouldn't LIE.

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