Goat meat?

Only Greeks eat goat. If you know any Greeks you will not eat it. It poisons the brain and makes you retarded.;-)
My experience has been good. I have shot 2 mature billies. The meat is mild flavored. I have heard stories of nasty tasting meat from an old billy, but that hasn't been the case for me.
I took a billy in Montana a few years ago and it was some of the best game meat I've ever had. real mild and lighter colored. a little trivia, they're actually not a goat at all, just called goats like pronghorn are called antelope but they're not, they don't have any living relatives. all this is good because I'd starve before I'd eat a domestic goat.
they taste great. Had some stew and had o gamy taste at all. i recomend
Like the others said, it is nice, mild and good eating! Like any wild game, a lot of it has to do with how you take care of it in the field. Cool it out asap and keep it clean. Pretty simple.


We made a couple pounds of jerkey out of my goat, and it tasted really good!

early to bed, early to rise, hunt like hell and make up lies!
Tastes really good when your Float Plane is 3 days late and your out of food. Dont no if it was the meat or the fact that I hadnt ate meat in 16 days,but my stomach didnt agree with it. If you know what I mean.
I ate some fresh back straps this fall, excellent for game meat. I was suprised.


"Arguing on the Internet is like running in the Special Olympics, doesn't matter who wins, you're still a retard?
I have had domestic goat only once, it was cooked in the ground like the Hawaiian's do, along with a wild pig too. Two different pits, and two different tastes and liked the goat better than the pig.

Great flavor - but mine was tougher than anything I've ever tried. ONLY game animal I've ground the backstraps. Good burger, though.

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