"Global Warming is a choice!"


Long Time Member
I keep hearing this slogan on the radio and television. It's true that if you say anythig loud enough and long enough, it becomes a fact. It will soon be a "fact", if it isn't already.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-07 AT 07:00PM (MST)[p]Then I'll say nice warn days with cool nights. Spring and summer rains for crops with fall tracking snow.
How many times do I have to say this?
Actually global warming is alive and well. It started early in the history of the planet. Without the sun heating the planet and the warmth being trapped in the lower atmosphere we would be in deep chit at night. One could only imagine rare summer days of +80 F degrees day temperatures with nights plummeting to more than -200 F degrees. This is Mars type weather. Thank God for global warming and cooling too.
Below is a photo of what it could look like without global warming.


Me too Larry! I saw a bumper sticker on a car, while I was in Alaska fishing........"I support global warming"

LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-07 AT 07:06PM (MST)[p]http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/User_files/46edb46e1f14b481.jpg

Or even this. Not sure witch photo is worse.
Okay okay I know it's the same photo it's just she gets uglier each time I see it. A sane man really can't blame Bill could he?

Hey now, leave the distinguished senator from Arkansas, oh I mean New York alone. I want to hear her "Polar Bear Reform Platform" before I make my decision. I want to know just how she is going to help all the poor polar bears who are losing their habitat due to global warming reform and assimilate into a lower woodland society. I mean, she must have some plan right?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Please don't besmerch the good people of Arkansas. After Bill and Hillary they are still hurting.
I'll just send those polar bears some ice cubes.


Nothing against them Arkansas folks, just think the distinguished senator needs to remember where she is from, unless of course, the Arkansas folks would rather she be from NY, it which case, I would totally understand.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-07 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]>Nothing against them Arkansas folks, just
>think the distinguished senator needs
>to remember where she is
>from, unless of course, the
>Arkansas folks would rather she
>be from NY, it which
>case, I would totally understand.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)


You got it. I'm sure they would prefer that she was from New York.


Last warming trend 50-60 years ago, before that records not very clear, and it seems to be a natural event in our history. Why people get so worked up and think the sky is falling is beyond me, oh yeah the difference this time is there is big money involved. Current buzz word is "global warming", a few years from now it will be something different!

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