Global cooling?




It was already late fall & the Indians on a remote reservation in South
Dakota asked their new chief if the coming winter was going to be cold or

Since he was a chief in a modern society, he had never been taught the old
secrets. When he looked at the sky, he couldn't tell what the winter was
going to be like.

Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he told his tribe that the winter was
indeed going to be cold & that the members of the village should collect
firewood to be prepared.

But, being a practical leader, after s everal days, he got an idea. He went to
the phone booth, called the National Weather Service & asked, "Is the
coming winter going to be cold?"

"It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold," the meteorologist at
the weather service responded.

So the chief went back to his people & told them to collect even more
firewood in order to be prepared.

A week later, he called the National Weather Service again. "Does it still
look like it is going to be a very cold winter?"

"Yes," the man at National Weather Service again replied, "it's going to be a
very cold winter."
The chief again went back to his people & ordered them to collect every
scrap of firewood they could find.

Two weeks later, the chief called the National Weather Service again. "Are
you absolutely sure that the winter is going to be very cold?"

"Absolutely," the man replied. "It's looking more & more like it is going to
be one of the coldest winters we've ever seen."

"How can you be so sure?" the chief asked.

The weatherman replied, "The Indians are collecting firewood like crazy."
Always remember this whenever you get advice from a government official!
Funny chit D., but makes you wonder bout the stuff some folks are spewing out of their pie holes!"where ya getting your info?"

Let me guess, the weather service guy is Al Gore and the chief is TF, with dude and cornhusker as being the wood gatherers.:7


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Pro always argue with science and statics it makes you sound extremely intelligent. The earth is warming whether it is man made or not is the only debate.
>Pro always argue with science and
>statics it makes you sound
>extremely intelligent. The earth
>is warming whether it is
>man made or not is
>the only debate.

Thanks captian obviouos. When have I ever said there was no warming? Pay attention, it will help YOU look closer to have some intelligence. The other point is; if it is 'natural' why are we fighting it?


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Pro I will try to play closer attention but your obvious intellectual superiority makes it so difficult. Scientific models show that the doubling of Carbon Dioxide since the beginning of the industrial revolution has increased the warming trend. Go ahead believe Bush's scientist they are probably as good as his intelligence gathering officials.
I'll ask you in all your wisdom to explain how Mars, Venus, Saturn, etc have 'warmed' at the same or higher rates as the earth? Maybe you can help your fellow libs explain this to me. How is it that the temp was HIGHER in 1938 then it is now in 2008? A look back in time shows warming and cooling periods are NORMAL, until the libs/socialists became smarter than Mother Nature.


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I'm not a scientist Pro can't explain why Venus and Mars are warming haven't even researched it not planning on moving there. The one thing that amazes me anyone that disagrees with you is a liberal socialist. Is a guy from the 50's named McCarthy any relation to you. You sure have the same philosophy only if you didn't agree with him you were a communist.
Good comeback! Way to IGNORE data that SHOULD be considered in making an educated stance on the topic at hand. It is not about living there, it is about YOU explaining why/how the warming there is NOT related to the warming here! WTF??

I base my calling you a lib on your MANY posts PROVING it! I am guessing, according to you, Al Gore and Al Franken are "moderates" and/or "mainstream" in their views, same goes for the New York Times, right? I would rather be lumped with McCarthy than Gore everyday of the week. I seriously doubt you have done much research on McCarthy and what he really did/tried to do. Instead you spew out garbage put out on LLIBERAL blogs like


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Pro Everytime you type a post you sound dumber. I can't explain why Venus and Mars are getting warmer if they are. I don't have the scientific background to do that and I really doubt if you do as well. I try to evaluate the understanding of the mainstream scientific community and research what I can from that. That's all most of us can do as you or I don't have the data,or information to do much more. I try not to list people as liberal or conservatives or moderates generally although I do list myself as a moderate and list most of the people I see at Cal Berkley as liberals. The following statement of yours is the most ignorant statement I have read on this site. In my 5 years reading this site congragulations everyone should strive for #1.

"I would rather be lumped with McCarthy than Gore everyday of the week. I seriously doubt you have done much research on McCarthy and what he really did/tried to do. Instead you spew out garbage put out on LLIBERAL blogs like"

I know exactly what he did/tried to do he took the civil rights of people who weren't communist at all and for political gain destroyed their lives and reputations. In the process tried to make us forget about that inconvient document called the Constitution. I will guarantee you I know a hell of a lot more about that era of history and McCarthism than you do.
Here is were you sold yourself short, "I try to evaluate the understanding of the mainstream scientific community and research what I can from that."

To only listen/read/believe the "mainstream" anything, IS FOOLHARDY. To ignore what other planets in our solar system are doing is nonsensical, it shows those willing to look with both eyes open and not having their collective heads up the "mainstream" opinions of the day's arses, would see the correlation. Have you heard of this big ball of gas called the SUN? It has a little bit to do with the temperture here on earth and on our neighboring planets.

You then make the brilliant comment, "I know exactly what he did/tried to do he took the civil rights of people who weren't communist at all and for political gain destroyed their lives and reputations. In the process tried to make us forget about that inconvient document called the Constitution. I will guarantee you I know a hell of a lot more about that era of history and McCarthism than you do."

I suggest you research this 'outside' the mainstream bullsh@# that liberals like to put out as facts. Ann Coulter put out a GREAT book on McCarthy, I know I know, as a "moderate" you will never read/listen to a view that deals with FACTS when presented by a dreaded conservative, but it is a good read for those willing to see more than the "mainstream" point of view. Oh the horror! WTF??


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>You're a patient man Pro.

I think it actually a sickness, enjoying getting libs to say such silly stuff cracks me up.


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Ann Coulter put out
>a GREAT book on McCarthy,
>I know I know, as
>a "moderate" you will never
>read/listen to a view that
>deals with FACTS when presented
>by a dreaded conservative, but
>it is a good read
>for those willing to see
>more than the "mainstream" point
>of view. Oh the horror!

And here's where you sell yourself short, Pro. A book by Ann Coulter? Oh come on! And she's as "mainstream" conservative as you can get. It's not that she's a dreaded conservative, it's that she's the "dreaded Ann Coulter". It makes me laugh that you would even MENTION her name and expect credibility from anyone who is not a conservative. ROFL

I agree with, Husker. You're making youself look worse with every post.

Jenn, I am NOT a big Ann fan myself, just pointing out there are differing views on ALL of these subjects, and to only read/listen to one side sells oneself short. I listen/discuss many topics with my liberal friend and with my fellow union members at the union hall all the time, as well as listen to NPR and even read liberal blogs on occasion. To narrow my "learning" to "mainstream" views only would be nonsensical. That is the pooint I am making. Funny how libs dismiss Ann but have nothing but praise for Al Gore/Michael Moore. Funny chit right there.


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Do any of you realize how arrogant and just plain stupid it is to believe a 5 billion year old planet, that is known to have gone through many temperature undulations, is warming or cooling on a anything like a definitive basis, when the people make such claims have less than 200 years worth of data?

That is absurd.
Funny how
>libs dismiss Ann but have
>nothing but praise for Al
>Gore/Michael Moore. Funny chit right
And vice/versa.

When did I ever "praise Ann"? I watched "An Inconvient Truth" can you say the same vice/versa?


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I'm done argueing! I have the book by Ann excepted it's loaned out to a student who is really enjoying it. I think she's a very intelligent woman who I admire her thought process. I have watched an Inconvient Truth and agreed with some of the points and disagreed with some. I usually try to respect both sides even though I form an opinion one way. Anyhow I should apologise to you Pro I shouldn't have written that your post was stupid. So I apologize! I just don't see how you can defend what McCarthy did for political gain. Even if Gore's inconvient truth is for political gain which it probably is, it isn't attacking and destroying people who in most cases were innocent but chosen as targets. I guess I fell into the area that a lot of people do of being 6'10" 350lbs on the internet by attacking you. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean their necessarily a Liberal some things I may be considered a liberal on but most probably conservative.

Darn I think an apology for being rude may make me a Lib.
Apology accepted, and I apologize for firing back, I should have resisted, I was in a pretty good dust up on a few other threads, and it carried over to here.

My apology dern sure does NOT make me a liberal! Take it easy, no harm no foul, atleast on my end.


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What gb22 said..........humans give ourselves way too much credit....Nature don't care what we do! We are just temporary annoyances.

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