GLAD YOU'RE BACK kingfish!



Well kingfish!

Glad you're back and I can tell things are perty Happy with your Life again!

We've had many of Discussions over the years and you've probably been mad at me a time or two but we've always Hashed it out for the good/best!

I was a little worried about you when the Big 'D' hit!

Now We've got RUG to worry about!

Anyway,Hope all is Well!

Keep the Girlfriend Pics coming!:D (RAZZIN Ya!)

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Thanks B-bop. It's good to get life back under control. I have always enjoyed this site and the people on it. The biggest lesson in life for me has been. " THE OLDER I GET THE DUMBER I REALIZE I WAS". Razz me please... The girlfriend has been a gift...LIFE IS GOOD!!!

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