Give me the basics on mountain goat hunting


I am completely ignorant when it comes to mountain goat hunting. So I guess I am just looking for the basics.

1) Is this a rich man's game, or are there affordable opportunities out there?

2) Is this like bighorn, where winning the lottery has about the same odds of drawing a tag?

3) Where? What are the hot spots, generally speaking, and do they fall under the category of "doable by the average Joe" or are they pretty much fodder for the rich and famous?

4) Are tags simply applied for, or is there a trick to getting a tag?

5) Anything else?

Thank you!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-10 AT 06:28PM (MST)[p]1. there are affordable opportunities

2. there are better odds of drawing a tag than for sheep

3.Coastal BC is the hot-spot for big goats, but non residents must have a guide the lower 48 it is very doable by the average Joe, here in UT for example the Willard peak and Beaver units. I could have glassed out of my back porch and see 40-60 goats aday.

4. pretty simple, nanny tags are easier than billy but either make a nice trophy

5. Idaho, Montana, and Utah probably have best odds, but consider Nevada and Colorado also
Very do-able but planning needs to be the word of the day.

Plan on about 5-8K for a guided hunt.


Plan on about 10 to 15 points to draw a Goat tag.

Just plan on one or the other.

Good luck.


PS, I was within 100 yds of 2 great billies yesterday! My friend has a tag this year in the same area that I had mine last year. FUN AND A GREAT MOUNTAIN HUNT!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-10 AT 12:38PM (MST)[p]If you really want to go on a mountain goat hunt, just book a hunt in BC or Alaska and go. Like Zeke said, it's about 5-8K for a good hunt. Might be able to go cheaper if your schedule is flexible enough to do a cancellation hunt.

As far as drawing a tag...good luck. In many cases (like Wyo), a mtn. goat tag is the toughest tag to draw.

Best of luck to you!

Edit: Should have also added that if you figure what it will cost for a non-resident to apply for all the states (MT, NV, UT, CO, WY, ID, you will have to fork out about $6k. Take that money and go hunting goats, rather than waiting and hoping on 0% to 5% odds!
+1 to dwalton, you are spot on!

TAKE THE DARN MONEY, BOOK A HUNT, GO HAVE A BLAST, post some photos when you're successful!

You pretty much have the correct answers. Alaska and Canada require a guide (unless you are a resident), but many tags are available over the counter so just book your hunt and go. Great goats in both these regions, and the hunts are a quality expereince for less than half the cost of a sheep hunt. Figure $6K is average.

In the lower 48, you have to apply for tags, which takes either good luck or years of applying. If you are already applying for other hunts, it isn't that expensive to apply for goats as well. You can hunt D-I-Y in most of the lower 48, but if you want a guide it will still be in the $6k range most of the time.

That makes a lot of sense. Drop the money right away, (gonna spend it anyway) and get a trophy area to boot. Save extra to take the family out so they can sight see while I hunt. (that helps defer other "costs" in the home!)

My son is now 8 years old. I am thinking maybe a 5 or 8 year plan so he can at least keep up with the hiking, or maybe even double up on the tags if I can save up enough.

Thanks for the help!

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