Git-R-Dun! Coon death by nailgun

Yes Arkansas is now part of the hipple culture range. They migrated in with that dope smoking, draft dodging, womanizer Bill Clinton and his Ho!!!

Yeah - I wondered when this was going to get posted her - I saw it but I have been too busy with my "hunt" to post anything. There were some kids here in Austin protesting this on campus the other day! Apparently they don't want any animals used for any kind of scientific research - including dissecting live trapped animals for Jr. High biology!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'm surprized it didn't happen in the state of Utard. Isn't that where they tenderize their pheasants by stomping them to death first? I'm pretty sure hippies are againts the law there.

Its fair chase, or its foul!
I used a road kil grouse one day to show the parts of the body of a bird to my science class. I was called into the principals office the next day by a parent. I haven't done that again.
i'd a shot him right then and there. show the kids how a coon dies!

the only eagle with enough power and speed to kill and gut you with one shot

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