GilaMonster Bagged


Long Time Member
Bad news. Gilamonster AKA Monster had the tables turned on him. Two whitetail bucks shot and killed Monster and his hunting partner. To bad he will be missed. Any donations should be sent to overton.

I thought whitetails were supposed to be dumb?


"hakuther rewyo hawten whanatay"..... Chief Little Turtle
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-07 AT 06:06PM (MST)[p]Say it aint so!!!!!

My guess is in the feeder they had beer, and we all know gila cant pass that up., i'm over it already.
>I thought whitetails were supposed to
>be dumb?

>"hakuther rewyo hawten whanatay"..... Chief Little
looks like they jacked the jeep to. gang banging whitetails whats next? rick
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-07 AT 09:33PM (MST)[p]Found a pic that gila and his brother took right before setting off on that fateful hunt....i sure will miss him

This post is obviously from the South! Anyone but 'BUBBAS' would have gutted these trophy richardheads before displaying them on the hood of the land rover.


From the content of near all his posts... I'd say he's bagged most the time.

>Bad news. Gilamonster AKA Monster had
>the tables turned on him.
>Two whitetail bucks shot and
>killed Monster and his hunting
>partner. To bad he will
>be missed. Any donations should
>be sent to overton.

back from the dead. I see you all missed me.
That's just like a typical pair of freaking slob whitetails! Draping their kill over the front of the jeep just to show everyone how "skilled" they are. They might as well just let their cojones dangle in a sack between their legs too!

I'm real impressed. Must be Arkansas whitetails!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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