

Very Active Member
I screw'd up. I beg forgivness....

It won't be the last time I screw up, so watch me like
a Hawk.

You're a Gentleman, sir, and I appreciate that.

Note to self: Don't post while drinking Whiskey.

Larry :)
Sounds like ya'll need a private room to make up? j/k

posting while on whiskey is only a class G misdemeaner, you can actually get like 500 PWI(posting while intoxicated) tickets before the reprimend you!

Larry there was no need for you to make a post or to say anything to me. I felt we had a misunderstanding, that we should clear up. I'm glad we did. I know I may rub some the wrong way. I look forward to your input if i get out of line.

If it makes you feel any better, both you
and Tageater (aka pudbeater) can Kiss My Azz.

I'm done being nice.

Oh, Lowdy.........


It's like in school. (did you ever go there ??).

You have to stay inside the lines. You can do it
the other way, but it get's sloppy, and you get bad

You'll figure it out for sure. I have a world of
confidence In'ya.

Its not that i cant follow lines, i just choose not to. Why let some one else choose where i go, if i get to where i need to in the end, why should i have to follow their lines.

*no harm meant irv, just proddin you and gila
What's that old Rock and Roll song about Signs ??

OK Pudbeater. I'm going to bed, like us Old Farts on
here do about this time every night. I don't know what
to think about you just yet. You have potential. We'll see.

You boys behave yourselves. Catch you next time.


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