Gift ideas for the Hunter?



Hey all...
I have been stuck on what to get for my boyfriend for Christmas. Hunting is his life, but I want to get him something that I can't go wrong Any ideas (within a $100-$150 budget) would be helpful! :)

Bushnell Trophy Cam. It is the best bang for the buck when it comes to trail cameras. But I have only seen them for $150 once, they are usually close to $200.

BobbyUtah liked to give pajamas for Xmas but....

Its kinda hard to say as we don't know what your boyfriend has already. He probably has all the hunting equipment he needs. A suggestion or two that may be outside the box is a Harris Swiveling bi-pod. Not everyone uses them but they do come in handy and if he antelope hunts, it's a good idea. I use mine for both deer and antelope. Make sure you get the 13"-27" model if you do it. He may also like a new sling for the rifle you havent bought him yet. :) I like "The Claw" sling personally. What about some cold weather gloves? Face Mask? GPS? Just some ideas....

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
Personally I don't leave home without Camo Candice and I think it would be a welcome gift
If he hunts he most likely has a game cam if he he wants one and certainly he has a Camo Candice.

Why dont you offer to go shooting with him or go hunting with him. My wife goes hunting with me and it allows me to spend more time outdoors.
Nothing better than a Christmas hug and kiss. Then again you said boyfriend! You wives out there take notice.
After 30 years of marriage, the best present my wife gives me related to hunting is when she spends a day walking and scouting with me. Its certainly within your budget. If he's been hunting long he probably has all the assorted junk we need in the outdoors.
I certainly do.
Money money,money and a hug.
most of the hunt app's are due shortly after the first of the year.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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