Gift for the GF


Active Member
Could use some help guys (and a few MM gals)....My girlfriends birthday is coming up and I am wanting to get her either a handgun or a relatively smaller caliber rifle (.243 most likely). She is not a super outdoorsy type girl but I am thinking this might help out my cause in trying to convert her. Which do you think would be better, rifle or handgun? Caliber? Nothing pink either!

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
you are acting like you are married allready !! lol, she might like it. but girls like pink stuff, pink fishing poles hats guns ect. she may love this stuff. or just buy some nice jewelry that never misses. unless she doesn't like jewelry which would be a benifit ! good luck
LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-11 AT 04:46PM (MST)[p]This will Piss CUPSY & REDDOG off!

But if you buy her a PINK Gun!

Don't forget about the PINK Leupold!:D


I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I'm sure she's a hard worker...perhaps you should hire Sancho to give her a hand with yard work and chores around the house while you're out hunting. Really nice guy :)[/IMG] ~Z~
I'd buy her something from victoria's secret for her birthday......give her the gun a week or two later just for putting up with you....seriously

if you get her a gun make it something you would shoot as well so if and when she does not like it or use it it can be passed down the line.
I think a .38 cal Taurus with the laser sight (6 shooter)
they are under 400.00 and you could get he a concealed permit. That would be cool..
+1 on getting one you will like. About 3 years ago I got my wife a 10/22 thinking she would like going shooting with me if she had a smaller caliber. She still hasn't shot it. I love it though.
Does she fish?? I bought my girlfriend a Reddington 5 weight fly rod and a Reddington burnt orange fly reel to match. She loves it. She also out fishes me!!!!!! but that pays off in the end! (wink). NO BESSY NOT THAT END!!!
Thanks for the input fellas. I am leaning towards a rifle, fishing gear wouldnt be a bad idea except I dont think she has the patience. We went camping last summer and I did a little fly fishing but she didnt show a whole lot of interest. I made her promise she would go on a coyote outing once a year with me but I think I am going to start putting her on some applications for real quality hunts here in NM, riding the beginners luck in the draw. Thinking about a Savage or Tikka T3 in .243

Tell Sanchito that if he knows what is good for him he best go run and hide....Daddy's got a new .45

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
Just give her all you guns now! You're going to give them to her later know, in the divorce.

For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE
But kingfish???

Do you let her out fish you so you can get a Kiss?:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
>I'd buy her something from victoria's
>secret for her birthday......give her
>the gun a week or
>two later just for putting
>up with you....seriously


My opinion: Get her something 'special' for HER for her birthday! Buy a gun later, if you really want her to start shooting. Better yet, get her interested in shooting BEFORE you buy her the gun. The fact is, she might not ever be interested in hunting/shooting/outdoors..... ;)


Well, I broke down yesterday and bought her a rifle. I found a nice little Marlin XS7 in a .243 with their rendition of the accu-trigger. I have never owned a Marlin, but from my research liked what I found on the gun. And yes stinky, its made in America!

Supposed to shoot pretty good out of the box and shouldnt knock her shoulder off. I hope she likes it.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
Maybe its not too late to take it back.

There are a couple of women I know who would say I know nothing about women but...

Don't buy her a gun and hand it to her and say "here hunny"

Take her to a show, dinner, get her something SHE will like and THEN, and only THEN, take her gun shopping. Let her take part in picking it out. Otherwise it's a waste of time and energy. She will likely have very different ideas about her gun than you will.
>Maybe its not too late to
>take it back.
>There are a couple of women
>I know who would say
>I know nothing about women
>Don't buy her a gun and
>hand it to her and
>say "here hunny"
>Take her to a show, dinner,
>get her something SHE will
>like and THEN, and only
>THEN, take her gun shopping.
>Let her take part in
>picking it out. Otherwise it's
>a waste of time and
>energy. She will likely have
>very different ideas about her
>gun than you will.

I would have bought a gun that I really wanted, then let her shoot it. If she liked it you could have got her a different gun (different caliber) I think first off you could have got her the Shake weight and a nice dinner. :7 I hope that she likes the rifle. I have found that you have to make it fun for the girl. Instead of punching holes in paper targets, you could buy a 12 pk of cheap pop and shake the cans up so when she hits them they explode. If all this fails I hope you at least like the gun..................Maybe then try the shake weight :7
Does she like to shoot??? Or are you hoping to get her to like to shoot?

Because I agree with a couple other posts. If she hasn't shown an interest and you hand her that gun for her BDay, all she is gonna see is that YOU want gave her something YOU want her to like. Rather than something she really does want or like.

Hope she likes to poor man. :)


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