Giant WY goat


Long Time Member
Well my little bro hunted his ass off with his bow and it never went his way!

We got it done opening day with a rifle.

He goes 84 1/2 unofficial. Stupid 60 day dry time!




Gorgeous goat! How did the overall quality look in your area?

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free... it expects what never has and never will be." -Thomas Jefferson
LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-13 AT 05:10PM (MST)[p]Dandy antelope!
Congratulations on sticking with it.
Keep it as cool as possible for the 60 days.
Antelope can lose several inches over a couple of months, especially if you throw it up in the attic. LOL
Big horned antelope seem to have extra big bodies like yours. Sometimes that makes their horns look smaller than they are. Obviously you have a "Booner"!

Way to go on a very fine trophy!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-13 AT 02:33PM (MST)[p]Fabulous antelope.

Worthy of taxidermy.

Beautiful trophy.
That is an awesome antelope. All the hunting time paid off big. That Kryptek camo looks pretty good too. Congrats.
Sorry guys been out sheep hunting.
Thanks for the comments!
Overall quality looked fair for the unit. Yes azbiggame He went straight down!


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