
LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-09 AT 08:45PM (MST)[p]Ransom is missing! Rumor has it Kilo had to pull a Giant Squid off his face. Supposedly D13er thought it was cute & took it home. RELH wanted to tazer it... Manny wanted to bless it & CAelknuts wanted to video it.

Here is a photo of Eel after the duck hunt trying to choak a goose outta the evil thing!


Divers off the coast of San Diego were minding their own business, splashing around in the ocean last week when all of the sudden they found themselves confronted by giant flying, squid, hundreds of them some literally jumping out of the water around them.

(Correction!!! I got a PM... that photo is not Eel. It's Hunter Harry)

You gotta love them prunies!

For a moment of seriousness, you're looking at one of the great predators in the wild world. Those things eat anything they can catch and kill, and that is just about anything that swims. There is a theory, not popular with the eco crowd, that the decline in pacific salmon might be in some way tied to these humboldt squid. They've been showing up in huge numbers for the last 5 or so years, and now our salmon have declined dramatically. I'm quite sure they can catch salmon.
Rus if you were not such a inland bound landlubber, you would know that is not any giant squid. That thing is only big enough for a meal of calamari for about three of us.

You need to come out to the coast and we will show you a real giant squid in it's natural habitat.

Kilo always raves about the Basque food in Elko. Maybe he was going to cook it up.

TXIPIRONES EN SU TINTA (squid in it's own ink)

1 kg and 1 / 2 of squid.
750 grs. tomato.
3 onions.
Oil and salt.

Clean the squid well, keeping the bags in a cup with ink. Separate the legs and wings and turn the body, like a sock.
Each one is filled with their legs and wings.
Heat a cup of oil in a large skillet and saut? the squid briefly.
Draw on to a clay pot.

In the same oil fry the chopped onion.
When soft and transparent, add chopped tomatoes.
Let it cook slowly until tomatoes are well fried thick.
Season with salt and add the crushed and faded ink sauce or water.
Finally, add the squid and let it cook for a while a very low heat.
Serve hot with slices of fried bread as an accompaniment.

Doesn't look all that appetizing to me, looks more like the bottom of an outhouse with a few twinkies in the pot, maybe it tastes better than it looks?
Squid in it's own ink is always a favorite. Lot's of people really like the Basque restaurants. Just thought I'd show 'em what real Basque food is. It ain't that ribeye kilo had last week.

Blood Sausage



NVbighorn...............I grew up on a working cattle ranch in the 50's and 60's, so I have pretty much ate all that "scrap".

At some point, I became civilized and prefer a kinder, gentler diet.

I ate elk nuts in a hunt camp once, antelope nuts once and even buffalo nuts once....alcohol was always involved....

But I have never, not even come close, to putting ANYTHING that evil anywhere near my lips. Well, there was this Redhead in Seattle......but still!
Nickman.... details on the hippie redhead in Seattle please.... my imagination is running amok!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-09 AT 10:27PM (MST)[p]Rus,after very close intense observation, he found out she was not a true redhead.

Since you asked.

You must have seen that picture of the 3 cowgirls on the net and one of them is, like, 7 feet tall.....well that is her daughter.

Totally built, absolutely everything in proportion. I was hypnotized.

When all the laundry hit the floor, I was exposed to someplace I wasn't prepared to go....without an anchor.

I was simply not "equipped" for the journey. So....

The rest, you will have to imagine for yourself.
I'm hoping that the huge increase of these giants off the Calif coast will bring down the price of Calamari steaks in our stores. I occasionally buy these, pound them flat, roll them in seasoned bread crumbs, similar process to cooking abalone, and flash fry them in olive oil. Tasty fair indeed.

Though i don't often eat at restaurants, a couple i know of, do have specialty Calamari dishes that are fantastic. I once had a "basket" of small deep fried ones with chips in fringe Carmel diner that was to die for, so good, i still crave a repeated experience to this day. Don't knock it until you've tried it, it's good stuff! :)


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