Giant ram


Very Active Member
Hey has anybody seen this. It was posted on FB and supposedly came from 2010. The hunter is "Private" will never get it scored and there are no other photos but this. What do I know but if this is Dall it is by far the best I have ever seen and maybe a world record...but again not and expert on sheep scoring. Seems a little mysterious to me......

I've heard nothing.... but I'm a nobody.
That's a Dall? How do you know? What else do you know?

It's like a 4-hour hard-on. I'd do more than call my doctor, I'd call everyone I know.

It wouldn't be "private" If I shot it. An animal like that needs to be shared!

It's a Dall. It was killed on a subsistence hunt, and there are more (lousy) photos. If you want to waste a lot of time reading about it, here you go...!-!
Numbers on that thread say 48+" long and 12.5" bases. Also says it scores 182", which seems a little high for the light mass. I would have guessed about 177". At any rate, it would never make the book because it was killed in a national park.

One incredible ram, though.
Looks pretty massive to my eye and not some of the whispy "thin horn" Dalls I have seen....damn looks like a hell of allot of horn to me.... Those last quarters are thick... No matter what the perfect ram in my book....
That thing is a beast! Curious as to some of the comments about it not being eligable for entry in the B&C. Is this not any different than many of the Governor's/Premier's Tags that are killed every year. Heck, wasn't there are monster ram killed with an auction tag a few years back killed in Kluane National Park in the Yukon? Are all these animals not eligable?

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