GIANT idaho unit 45 deer


My lifelong buddy has finally gotten a golden ticket. The unit is nowhere what it used to be and this will be a difficult hunt but has the potential for a true desert king! We’re going to be scouting as much as possible between work and college courses. Wish us luck! I’m going to try and attach some photos of deer we’ve taken in southern idaho over the years just for your viewing pleasure






Good luck and be sure to let us know how the hunt goes. Congratulations on all the nice bucks you have taken.
If all those bucks at OTC Idaho deer, you two have the skill to do much better in 45 than most. I hope you have a great time together and are rewarded for your efforts.
One was a draw archery the others were unlimited archery we’ve been fortunate to be able to spend so much time scouting and hunting this year will be tougher we can’t be out every day like prior years, but we’ll do our best! Thanks for the support
Given it's such a low draw hunt, maybe you can feel comfy sharing some stories. Not all of us old guys will try and scare you off with saying that don't make sense to you. We would love to see some pics and hear how it goes, along your journey. Very excited for you!!
I wouldn't get too worried yet. You still have a good amount of time before the hunt starts. I should be up scouting again here soon for my elk hunt there in 45 and will let you know if I see anything worth checking out.
What Pickett said^^^. There might be 1 or 2 somewhere in the unit but I wouldn't consider 45 a "trophy" unit, especially during the archery hunt.
I think he has the rifle tag. And no doubt you guys look like you know how to find mule deer so I’m sure you’ll find a nice buck. I just don’t know that You will find anything bigger then what you posted from your archery kills there. I’d be happy with any one of those caliber bucks out of 45
I don’t get out there near as often as I used to but 45 mule deer is more legend than reality these days. The legend was real 30+ years back but that was a long time ago. Of course that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it your best shot good on you for scouting hard.
Yeah rifle tag and I agree with you guys. It’s well known to everyone that idaho doesn’t have a real trophy deer unit anymore, whether 45 was ruined by “that man” or not the potential is still there
Yeah rifle tag and I agree with you guys. It’s well known to everyone that idaho doesn’t have a real trophy deer unit anymore, whether 45 was ruined by “that man” or not the potential is still there
Lol “that man”…you hear that Lowland?
Regardless of that I think the growth of the elk population has quite a bit to do with it. Also it’s known the tribe takes its toll on big bucks in the dead of winter or so I’m told.
Not looking to argue but “that man” brought the tribes and showed them the area. The elk population has been on a steep decline last three years if you ask me
Not looking to argue but “that man” brought the tribes and showed them the area. The elk population has been on a steep decline last three years if you ask me
I don’t know sh*t about any of that but I’d think there has still got to be one or two giants out there. Hope you find them looks like you’re the man for the job.
A lot of big 3x3s and 3x4s taking over the the unit with their genetics now. Good luck finding a solid frame 4.
Enjoy your hunt. Sounds like you already have had a blast scouting. Post up the adventure and good luck in getting him down. Waiting to see your success and photo of your scouting, hunting and the trophy.
I've seen no big bucks to speak of. Saw a few large 3x3s on the sage flats and some small 4x4s on top. Seen some bigger elk on top but a long way to walk from public. The elk this time last year were all down in the draws bedded but hopefully the weather will push some down. This was almost 2 weeks ago.
This hunt has been dieing a slow death. The huge number of elk hunts and elk plus over hunting have put a real hurt on this tag. It's no longer a golden ticket.
you hit it on the head Ron, we have eatin the last 2 tags. the last one was by far the worst very few even 165 deer. very sad
Idaho mule deer is and has been in a sorry state for quite a spell. Very sad for those of us who’ve watched it’s decline.
45 has quality animals on private land. If you have connections with Larry Williams of Tree Top Ranches then you are in business. There a few other landowners also. Otherwise, just like many Idaho units, if you hunt the public you get the scraps. That’s how it goes.
45 has quality animals on private land. If you have connections with Larry Williams of Tree Top Ranches then you are in business. There a few other landowners also. Otherwise, just like many Idaho units, if you hunt the public you get the scraps. That’s how it goes.
Good luck with tree top. I know that guys cousin really well and he won’t let anyone on. He has some access yes around Fairfield but that’s the only stuff I know you can get on. Wrong unit too
Best we’ve seen in season, does anyone want to share where a real big one is? Lol

Keep at it! Even if you don’t find a giant buck at least you will know you put in 100%.

The psychological aspect of hunting is an easy area to fail. For me it isn’t difficult to put in time scouting and hunt hard the first day or two of the season. It gets much more difficult when I’ve been hunting a few days and feel like I’ve seen everything there was to see. Many wise mule deer hunters have said that hunting for big bucks isn’t always fun.

After finishing some difficult hunts in Idaho I’m heading to Colorado and need a psychological boast myself. Even though my desire to hunt isn’t as high right now I’m just reminding myself to enjoy the experience. If I get lucky and locate a giant buck it will at least light that fire for a few days.

Keep grinding it out and you will at least have a chance of finding a buck you will be happy with. Your pictures provide proof that you have done it before and you can do it again!
There is a ton of deer in 45 in the last week, they have been moving out of 43,and to some extent in 44. My buddy has the 45 bull tag, last weekend where he hadn't seen any deer, there literally 100's, and all on public!
Well we got it done. Never could find our target buck in season. Saw our best scoring buck in season on Thursday and let him walk. Regretted it that night went back the next morning and he presented a shot. The unit is not what it should be but was still a fun hunt hope you guys have enjoyed the updates. If anyone else had success in the unit do share it is always fun to see!




nice Buck, way to stick to it and go after a mature buck. dang rights its not what it used to be.
F&G have over hunted the hell out of it for several years. all the tags then the super tags.
then nobody wants to eat tag soup so they shoot some young dink. " Thats why we cant have nice things"
Good job guys. Love the season long feedback. Respect your efforts.

Score wise, w inside spread ~20” and no eye guards, 190” would be tough, but nice forks and amazing symmetry

PS. F&G isn’t to blame, Mother Nature is.
Score doesn't mean anything. Great buck and nice write up. Remember in the land of the blind the man with one eye is king!

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