GIANT Bitteroot Bull?


Long Time Member
I recieved a pic on my phone (I'll try to post it later) of a 400 plus 7x7 bull supposedly taken in the Bitteroot Valley. Anyone have info? mtmuley
This is a real bull. I seen it. It was killed in the Selway by a friend of a buddy of this guy I know. Score is pending, but it is expected to break Idaho's long standing record of resurfacing urban legends.

why do people always change these emails to say montana? must be realtors tryin to promote montana. Heres the ones i continually get:

-field full of bulls in washington, email says Lolo, montana

- bunch of bulls in estes park subdivision, email says helena montana

-bulls in a waterhole in arizona, email says montana

-huge gamefarm bowkikll bull from canada, email says montana selway bitterroot.

- field full of huge bulls in the snow in gamfarm canada, email says montana.

Im doubtful on the email MT Muley
I not able to e-mail the pic from my phone to the web I guess. Pic shows a big 7x7 typical with a guy in a white jacket. I sent it to a bud tht can load it on his computer. Like a said, a bet rides on the truth of this bull. mtmuley
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-09 AT 03:20PM (MST)[p]is it a small guy/girl in a white jacket with a baseball hat?

if a bull over 400 ever lived in the valley of Californian Froots (aside from a game farm) ill give you all my hunting gear. sound good?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-09 AT 03:48PM (MST)[p]RockyDog, Yeah that's right. I'm trying to prove a point to a guy I know and all his transplant "expert in the field of elk hunting" buds that see bulls of this caliber all over the valley. I'm not an expert, but I'm not an idiot either. Is it a Pet and Shoot (Big Velvet) bull? mtmuley
Yep, that's the bull. I agree about the bulls in the Bitteroot. From what I can see, it's a bit worse year to year. It is sad. So, where the hell did that monster come from? Damn sure wasn't Burnt Fork. mtmuley
B & S

I saw a power point recap of the season by the local bio, check station numbers and pics of the biggest deer and elk. There was not a bull through the check station that IMO would go 330. Only 2-3 that I would say even pushed 300
It's interesting that most people I talk to know someone that killed a big Bitteroot bull. Usually when I ask a number, the normal reply is "Bout 350". mtmuley
one time several years ago i brought a 315 bull thru the check station. Everyone including the biologist, Vore i think, was calling it a 350 bull.

A 350+ bull is a real brute. Cant blame these Frooters i suppose if they just dont get a chance to see what they really look like. If you ever happen to get a chance stop in at the and look at the pictures on the wall at the Augusta check station. Now they grow big bulls. Ours just dont have good winter range and way too much pressure in the Froot. I see an occassional nice bull off private land though.
Lots of changes coming in the Bitterroot for next season, also over the hill in 321, all for the better. Vore was a problem, dang good thing he is gone. Its nice to have a bio that hunts and actually gives a damn.
I'm looking forward to the Hamilton Public Comment Meeting on the 20th of next year. I WILL be there. mtmuley
Only saw two harvested bulls that would be 300 or a little over from the valley this year. Steve at Game Trails Taxidermy shot a big one. 363" i think. Cant remember the general area he shot it in tho
What do you guys think about a possible limited draw for elk in the valley? personally i think its the only way that we are going to be able to keep any kind of elk hunting for the future. Wolf numbers keep climbing calf numbers keep dropping and we still didnt have to bad of an elk season. The first two weeks of the season seemed to be better than the previous years openers. I think its cause the wolves are pushing the elk down lower which makes it easy for the lazy road hunting to shoot one. Also what kinda tag numbers if they do go to a draw?
Draw units are less than ideal and should only be used as a last resort. For one thing, they limit the amount of time YOU get to spend in a unit and learn it. Familiarity and saturation will get you a bigger bull in a place like the Roots than a draw tag will. Unless it is a super-restrictive tag like in the Breaks...then you'll draw once in your life or never at all and so the whole thing will be of no use to you. Second, draw tags have ups and downs...they aren't always up and thriving, kind of like the MD in 270 now. So there is no guarantee. And last but not least, an often overlooked aspect of draw tags is the displacement. All of the elk hunters in the Root will have to go somewhere...and so will you when you don't draw a tag. So you'll be stuck with all of the displaced hunters in some other unit close to Missoula still complaining.

"...and now it's time for me to go, the autumn moon lights my way..." -Led Zeppelin
Hey Chris, Scott and I have been talking about this very thing for a few years now. We were kinda joking at first. Not so funny now. I noticed bull numbers way down this year. There were a bunch of crippled archery bulls never recovered I know of that didn't help matters. I agree about the elk hanging low being more accessible. Saw it myself. mtmuley

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