Getting there.


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-07 AT 11:49PM (MST)[p]I was going to wait until this year's pile hit 97, but - that'll be awhile. Here's a few shots from recent days.
I'll start with this quality 6-point that led to a few days up on the side of a ridge-top finding others but not the match; not yet anyway. The day I found this first one I came across a pack full of assorted old ones on the way down.


Another day, I found this by the road driving out after not finding anything on that ridge top.


I can't post the next ATL that I have since it still is ATL. I have a picture of it, but I missed it scrambling up - steep and loose.
Next outing I found a brownish, but dead-enough deer skull with a decent spread.

A set, an older antler, and a big six on the ridge. Not the match I was looking for- it's the same side.

I found two more up there the next time - first one was last year's although it was close to a "road". The bigger one I didn't take a great picture...almost posted a "first sight" picture, but someone might recognize something.


I found this deer set on a gorgeous partially snowy day. One side of an elk set showed up 200 yards below.


A couple more to share, a good looking 5 and a 6. Nope, I couldn't find the match to either of these. The snowy 5 pt.:


ATL - 6 Pt.

Nice pics Man! Sometimes it is hard to get the picture you want without showing to much skyline to post it. I still take the picture but it won't be seen here!

Time in the hills is always worth more than money

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