Gettin rid of Squaters?


Very Active Member
I'm looking to buy this place that has a nice house on 5 acres. Right next door there is an empty 1acre lot with a couple tweekers living in a travel trailer....trash everywhere. Its really sad because its a nice area out in the country, alfalfa fields and pasture everywhere. My realestate agent buddy contacted the land owner of the empty lot and he said that he inherited the property from a family member and lives out of the area. He also said that the tweekers were his cousins and he was letting them stay there untill they get back on there feet.....That should be about never since they went to the trouble of building decks out of old pallets and such. Is there any way to get rid of these people? I though about calls to the sheriff reporting suspicious activity posible drug house...maybe code violations? My realestate buddy says the constant harrasment by the law should get em to pack up...what say ye?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I would think code enforcement and the health department is going to be your best bet . I don't think law enforcement is going to be able to help very much since they have permission to be there .

Your probably going to have to pressure the other agencies to enforce zoning or any other violations .
LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-11 AT 05:47PM (MST)[p]If there are zoning laws? If you choose constant harassment you run the risk of them just being an all out pain in the butt when they figure out your the one calling the cops.

Its private property so they can make it look how they want unless there's a city ordinance. Is it outside city limits?

There's really not much you can do... Might help you get a better price when you make an offer for the eyesore nextdoor?

The county I live in has an ordinance to clean up junk unless you can prove it has a legitimate purpose or the sheriff will come write tickets increasing in fines until its cleaned up... Maybe that's an option? It was passed fairly easy too.

zoning if trailers(living in it) aren't allow they will have to move. Did you try buying it along with the 5 ac.
Hope it works out for ya.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Whatever you do, DO NOT move in next door to tweekers unless you don't like your stuff very much!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
Wait til they're gone to town for supplies and then set fire to their $hit. They aren't gonna remember and besides what will they do? File a complaint for burning their meth lab?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-22-11 AT 10:27PM (MST)[p]Hardway, before you apply my cuz's ideals on how to use a jug of kerosine, I would like you to try this first. Might keep you out of jail.

I do not know where you reside, but most areas do have zoning laws that are inforced by county or city code enforcement officers.

Being that it is a travel trailer, the odds are very great that they do not have a approved septic system for raw sewage. If so, this is a major code enforcement violation that can result in them being forced to move and even the property owner being given a stiff fine for the violations.

Contact your code enforcement office and go over the possible violations that may be enforced and report them if you find violations. In my area, code enforcement will not tell them who it was that reported them.


P.S. if that does not work, sneak up at night, 3-4 in the morning is best. slosh kerosine on outer walls ignite it. then wait with old Betsy and shoot as they run out. That is how Ransom's and my ancesters did it in the late 1800's in Pike county Kentucky after they crossed the Tug river from W.Virginia. Today they take a dim view on doing things that way, best to stay legal in this matter.
The septic issue is a no brainer in this world......unless they have a nitro humus processing system.

In that case, I would resort to a 85 bizillion candlepower spotlight and aim it at the trailer overnight.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I was also going to bring up the sewage issue. If it is a self-contained trailer, are they going to dump their waste? Is there a septic system on site that they are dumping into? If so, probably not much you can do. I'd call the county or agency that can help you with that. Problem is that Bess will have nowhere else to go. Maybe he can move in with Rug?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
dress up as sasquatch and knock on their door late at night when they are higher than a kite. Should get em packing.....that or you'll take a 45 slug in the crotch.
>"If it moves shoot it again"


That's what we should have told the head filer the other day.

overton, now I know why the lot next to you in Kona is vacant. You and RELH burned the poor sucker out.

just go hang out with them, that would make me leave. if that doesnt work, start your incessant complaining about ultra mags...
lip_curl said, "just go hang out with them, that would make me leave. if that doesnt work, start your incessant complaining about ultra mags...:

lol, that's bad!! :)

>just go hang out with them,
>that would make me leave.
> if that doesnt work,
>start your incessant complaining about
>ultra mags...

Did you bruise your vagina shooting that rum today or what?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Eel, those Adam Henries that were next door to Ransom were overaged pot smoking hippy liberals that claimed to be a friend of Jane Fonda. Claiming to be friends of Jane Fonda is what got them burned out.
I had to stop Ransom after ignition. He was going to pee on the fire and after drinking about 12 beers, I was afraid he would put the fire out.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-11 AT 10:39PM (MST)[p].
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I told your punk azz last time my mom was dead....You still think its funny?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
i know, you told me. but you got all offended when i talked about you gettin touched by your uncle. i was trying to be sensitive.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Sorry Ransom, I want no part of a fight with you I've read too much of the feud between you're relative. A dumb Swede like me wouldn't have a chance. I was just trying to help you out economically with a little additional income.

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