German Shepherd Dogs???



My wife and I have decided that we are getting a dog, we have studied and decided that GSD would be a great fit for what we want. Any advice in what to look for for or any references to a certain breeder? Thanks
Great dogs and you'll enjoy the breed. If you have researched at all you'll may already be aware but is a really good source of information. If you live in the Northern Utah area or are willing to drive I'll give you some info on one of the better breeders in the region. Do your homework and be careful. Stay away from the backyard breeders that don't have a clue what they are doing and you'll be fine. Also you don't have to pay through the nose for a good GSD. One of the big things to watch for is certified hips which is the case with most purebred dogs. Here are mine. I'll get you some more info when I get some time later.


You wont be sorry, I was partial to the chow and Lab till 1911 bought my babies ( that didn't stay babies very long ) home. You couldn't ask for more loyal companions and security than a GSD. Listen to 1911 he has done his research. Good luck post pics when ya find one. :)

Thanks for the help!!! And great looking dogs! I live in West Jordan Utah so the breeder your talking about should be fairly close? I have done a ton of homework and have waited for the right time to get our baby! We met a lady that owns Majic Forest kennels out of Lehi who has been amazing and I love her dogs. She is asking a pretty penny for her dogs but we do love them! Her main love in GSD are the long stock coat, I know they are looked down upon by AKC by I find them to be very pretty coats! Any advice you can give me wife and I would be greatly appriciated!!! Thanks in advance for all your help!
I like the long coats a lot. I was partial to the standard coats but my wife picked out our younger shepherd and she liked the long coats. Since then I have grown very fond of the long coats. Ironically, my standard coat male sheds more than my long coat female. Here is a little closer picture of my female long coat. She is from the breeder I recommend. They produce both long and standard coat GSD's from East German working lines.


I'm not too familiar with the breeder you are talking about in Lehi but it sounds like they may be a good option. I will PM you the breeder information that I most recently used. They are located in Weber County. Just one more option for you to look at.

Whomever you buy from spend some time talking with them. If possible, spend some time around the sire and dam and you will learn a lot about the puppies from them. I would look for a dam and sire with hips certified at a minimum of GOOD. GSD's as well as other pure breds have a higher likelyhood of hip problems later in life.

There are some variances but as a general rule there is no reason to pay over $500.00 for a good purebred GSD at an untrained level. Again, that price can give or take either way. I would however be wary of a dog that was way less than that threshold, or significantly more. It sounds like you've done your homework so you should be alright. Just be careful of those bred without any forethought other than 'hey my dog is AKC and yours is AKC, maybe they should hook up', or the breeders that are charging more than they are worth.
just curious, i dont know anything about german shepards, what are the good traits of a german shepard? honest question- pit bulls and german shepards are thought of as mean dogs, i do know that is mainly just reputation. i know people who have pit bulls or german shepards that are big ol babies, not a mean bone in them. but what other posative traits are they known for?
German Shepherd dogs I dont think are known as mean dogs, they are often used as police dogs because they have a natrual protecting instict and they are very smart and are good at a variety of things. People talk about the fact that a gsd when trained can do just about any work you can throw at them. German Shepherds rank as the 3rd smartest dog breed out of the hundreds out there, and they are one of the most athletic breeds as well. There several differnt blood lines and they say the american bloodlines are a little more unstable due to breeding programs based on looks instead of temperment. Anyway thanks 1911 for your help! I will stay in contact with and let you know what we decide! Thanks again if you ever need a baby sitter for pups please let me know. We would love to have them over! Just email me [email protected]
GSD's are great dogs if you don't have to interact with anybody else on the planet. Think long & hard about a big dog that is loyal to only one person or family. Trust me been there done that.

German Shepherd dogs are great, just be sure to get the pups from a good breeder.

Have had 2 of them they are great dogs.

Colorado, U.S.A
This is template for the temperament of GSD's from the AKC.

The breed has a distinct personality marked by direct and fearless, but not hostile, expression, self-confidence and a certain aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships. The dog must be approachable, quietly standing its ground and showing confidence and willingness to meet overtures without itself making them. It is poised, but when the occasion demands, eager and alert; both fit and willing to serve in its capacity as companion, watchdog, blind leader, herding dog, or guardian, whichever the circumstances may demand. The dog must not be timid, shrinking behind its master or handler; it should not be nervous, looking about or upward with anxious expression or showing nervous reactions, such as tucking of tail, to strange sounds or sights. Lack of confidence under any surroundings is not typical of good character. Any of the above deficiencies in character which indicate shyness must be penalized as very serious faults and any dog exhibiting pronounced indications of these must be excused from the ring. It must be possible for the judge to observe the teeth and to determine that both testicles are descended. Any dog that attempts to bite the judge must be disqualified. The ideal dog is a working animal with an incorruptible character combined with body and gait suitable for the arduous work that constitutes its primary purpose.

Anyone who has had issues not represented by that paragraph has dealt with a poor example of the breed and not the GSD standard. Like anything else of a biological nature GSD's are a product of genetics as well as handling. That is why you must take great care in breeder selection and be familiar with good handling techniques. Generally speaking, any dog that is a one person dog was not properly socialized early in life. I went to great lengths to properly socialize both of my GSD's from day one and have never experienced a problem with people aggression EVER. The single most important piece of advice I could offer a new owner is take your puppy out often. Let them meet new people. Introduce them into new situations, meet other animals, ect. Do not put them in a kennel or fenced yard for 12 months then expect them to know how to act when introduced into a foreign situation at month 14.

They are big dogs that carry with them a big responsibility which starts with the breeder and continues with the owner. There exist bad dogs in every breed but again they are product of breeding and handling issues. Bad shepherds are the result of bad breeders and bad handlers. Shepherds are not for everyone but if you do your homework on them you'll be fine.

The only problem I have with my GSD's is the high likelyhood that should someone ever break into my house they will LICK them and get slobber all over their face. To each his own and I can certainly understand some folks not wanting them. To that point I would never trust my kids around a pit bull terrior no matter what anyone else claims.
I had a GSD K-9 for 12 years. that dog went on patrol at age 14 months and patrolled for 10 years. Most only go for about 7-8 years.

I read what 1911 said and I have to concur very much with what he stated. My dog breeder and trainer also used the German line of dogs. It seems that most, not all american breeders are in the game for AKC show dogs and breed for showing winning confirmation. It has led to some very poor quality dogs in the line of temperment, courage and good old working ability.

The Germans on a whole, still breed for working dogs and I personaly feel their dogs do demostrate more courage, temperment and loyalty to it's master and his/her family. They seem to also have more between their ears in the form of intelligence.

I have had several outlaw bikers tell me that my K-9 was nothing but a "crazy man eater". when they met the dog under adverse terms. On the other hand, I could put the dog into an attack, call the dog off and have kids run up within seconds and pull the dogs ears and get a face licking instead of a growl.
I have had vistors to my home who could not believe the dog was attacked trained due to it's gentle nature with them and their kids.

Proper breeding is most important and I prefer the German or Belgium line of dogs that are still bred for work preformance over American AKC show dogs. Also the German lines have less hip problems then most breeders here have as they will still put down dogs that have marginal hip problems and not breed them as some fly by night american breeders will.

So I guess you believe what ever you hear KILLERBEE & take it to heart?
The best Dog my family ever had was a German Shepherd.
But man did he hate BEE'S!
I guess you heard right,he hated Bee's & that probably made him mean.
I think you can get GREAT dogs & JUNK dogs in any breed.
I do like a good Shepherd,Loyal & Obedient!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-09 AT 08:25AM (MST)[p]A close friend of mine had a pure bred German Shepherd. She was a beautiful dog with a good disposition. The problem was when she was around other dogs. She would attack without being provoked. Also the dog barked incessantly and it was a big bark. With any breed the quality of the dog is directly proportional to the time spent training the dog. There are three things I believe about dogs.

There are no bad dogs just bad dog owners.

The only person that really likes your dog is you.

Little dog little problems. Big dog big problems.

It is said that owners resemble their dogs. Here is my little Muffey.



What an uncanny resemblance, Slick!!

+Infinity on the GSD. I had never owned one until 6 years ago, and was a little nervous about their reputation for drive, neuroses, and bad hips. Of course, the only real exposure I had to them was as Patrol dogs, and I knew how much work goes into their training, so I wasn't sure I had the dedication nor the time to 'train' one.

Then Sadie was dropped in my lap one Valentine's Day, and I am sold forever on GSD's. I've had some smart dogs, but Sadie is
scary smart. I know some things go on in her brain I can't fathom, she continually amazes me. She has play drive from hell, her life revolves around a ball, and that is more fun than you can imagine. Give her a job to do, and she'll wear you right out.

She does shed profusely twice a year (she's standard coat), but if you are diligent about brushing correctly, it isn't horrible. She has beautiful hips, but a degenerative spine problem that is managed easily with NSAID's.

She is by far the most loyal, obedient and all-around best friend I have ever had. She too has very impressive and well-respected German lines. I regret having her spayed due to her fantastic drive, but it was the responsible thing to do.

There is a breeder in West Valley who impresses me with her requirements for selling to folks. She does breed show dogs, but also sells pet-quality. Her website is

I will probably always have a GSD!!

>So I guess you believe what
>ever you hear KILLERBEE &
>take it to heart?
>The best Dog my family ever
>had was a German Shepherd.
>But man did he hate BEE'S!
>I guess you heard right,he hated
>Bee's & that probably made
>him mean.
>I think you can get GREAT
>dogs & JUNK dogs in
>any breed.
>I do like a good Shepherd,Loyal
>& Obedient!
exactly why i asked the question. like i said- even though a pit bull has a very bad reputation for a mean dog, i know people who own pit bull that are as mean as a lap dog.

apparently you are trying to turn this everyday informational post into a pissing match?? i'll pass and just try to learn from a few guys who seem to know the breed very well.

another question- what do you mean by a "working" dog?
example- my lab is a great bird dog, a buddies beagle is a great rabbit dog. they all can be good family dogs, what things are german shepards known for?

on another forum, a single lady enters her german shepards into some { i dont know the proper name} but it's like a self deffence feild trial??? is that what alot of guys get into with their german shepards?
and obviously they are the "go to" dogs for polics officers, that alone tells you they are very trainable dogs.
i just dont know anything about them, just asking. feel free to ignore the question if it's out of line.
Bee, the working dog title usually refers to a breed that serves a specific working function as opposed to a breed that exists solely for the purpose of being for show or a pet. Further, the working title is general reserved for dogs that serve a occupational or assist capacity. In other word a seeing eye dog, herding dog, personal protection, or police service dog.

Other dogs such as bird dogs, while they are bred for a specific purpose, fall into the category of sporting dogs.

For police service, the GSD has been used for years as a dual purpose dog, ie. tracking, explosive detection, evidence detection, and general police service. A new trend in law enforcement is to also utilize similar dogs such as the malinois, dutch shepherds, and other variations. Dogs such as blood hounds are also used but while they are more effective trackers they lack the ability for dual purpose in general PSD patrol work.

Two big factors for a working dog are cognitive ability and drive. The proper shepherd has both as well as size and stamina making them very trainable and suitable for such service. Prior to these uses the GSD was primarily a herding dog and is still commonly used today as a herding animal.

You mentioned something about field trials. You are probably refering to schutzhund trials. Schutzhund I believe is German for protection dog. Many people with GSDs will train and run schutzhund trials which consist of competing against other dogs and handlers in trials that simulate events such as tracking, bark and hold, bite, and general obedience training. Go to youtube and search schutzhund. It is very interesting to watch.
Hook,line,sinker & a good Set!
No,We'd never try & stirr the BEE,lol!
Just can't quit thinking about you in that BEE suit sitting next to that cute chick.
Who the hell is she anyway?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-09 AT 08:11AM (MST)[p]All I know is that I got bit by one when I was a kid so I have always thought they were mean. I think the dog was just playing really and it went too far.
>Bee, the working dog title usually
>refers to a breed that
>serves a specific working function
>as opposed to a breed
>that exists solely for the
>purpose of being for show
>or a pet. Further,
>the working title is general
>reserved for dogs that serve
>a occupational or assist capacity.
> In other word a
>seeing eye dog, herding dog,
>personal protection, or police service
>Other dogs such as bird dogs,
>while they are bred for
>a specific purpose, fall into
>the category of sporting dogs.
>For police service, the GSD has
>been used for years as
>a dual purpose dog, ie.
>tracking, explosive detection, evidence detection,
>and general police service.
>A new trend in law
>enforcement is to also utilize
>similar dogs such as the
>malinois, dutch shepherds, and other
>variations. Dogs such as
>blood hounds are also used
>but while they are more
>effective trackers they lack the
>ability for dual purpose in
>general PSD patrol work.
>Two big factors for a working
>dog are cognitive ability and
>drive. The proper shepherd
>has both as well as
>size and stamina making them
>very trainable and suitable for
>such service. Prior to
>these uses the GSD was
>primarily a herding dog and
>is still commonly used today
>as a herding animal.
>You mentioned something about field trials.
> You are probably refering
>to schutzhund trials. Schutzhund
>I believe is German for
>protection dog. Many people
>with GSDs will train and
>run schutzhund trials which
>consist of competing against other
>dogs and handlers in trials
>that simulate events such as
>tracking, bark and hold, bite,
>and general obedience training.
>Go to youtube and search
>schutzhund. It is very
>interesting to watch.

thats good info, i really never knew they were used as seeing eye dogs.
on this ladies posts, her dogs do fake" attacks" were a guy has alot of armor/ padding on, and the dogs takes the guy to the ground. it was pretty interesting. thanks for the info.
>Hook,line,sinker & a good Set!
>No,We'd never try & stirr the
>Just can't quit thinking about you
>in that BEE suit sitting
>next to that cute chick.
>Who the hell is she anyway?

thats my lovely wife.
KB, that's why they are considered 'working' dogs. Their intelligence and drive makes them suitable for all kinds of tasks. I've seen them do agility, tracking, trailing, mobility-assistance, blind-assistance, therapy, etc.

You are right in that any dog can be trained as well as the owner desires, but that training does take dedication. While GSD's are considered highly 'trainable', it is due to their high drives, ie, the inner spirit that makes them tick. Mine has what is called play drive. Everything to her is a game. As long as she gets her ball at the end of said game, she will do just about anything I ask. What's amazing is that some of it I didn't ask, she just started doing. That being said, if her drive is not fed daily, she becomes a pain in the butt!

It's as fun to watch as a young pointer puppy finally getting it on birds in the field. Really makes you appreciate the strict breeding lines of any working or sporting dog.

Here is Sadie, as you can see, she is a standard coat.


Lately she's been training to become a Tundra Caribou decoy....


Happy Holidays!
Wow predator she is pretty, our long coat has the same drive, she can go for hours getting the ball and chasing sprinklers/water or chasing the kids on bikes up and down the fence, some of the kids in our neighborhood will come ask to play with ours if they are not outside. They love to feed them treats and race them.

I'm kinda glad they do or her drive wouldn't be fed, as much as she wants.

My dog is the short coat in the pic 1911 posted and he is more relaxed he likes to just be by your feet, or trying to put his head on 1911's laptop while he is typing. but I love them both fun dogs, and its nice to have the "look" of protection just in case.
LOL!! Mine loves sprinklers, too, it makes me laugh so hard. I had to change my big ones from impact to pop up because she broke so many of them off. I save a ton of time and money on grooming, too, I just turn on the water, lather her up and let her go.

Oh, and sparrows and flying bugs are her nemeses. She is quite an accomplished fly killer!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-09 AT 11:29PM (MST)[p]Golf,

German shepherd's are great dogs. Unfortunately the breed has been almost destroyed by bad breeding. The working aspect in this breed has been bred out of the dogs. This was partially because of the popularity of the breed when it was first introduced in the US as well as show breeders breeding for looks and mild temperment. If you are looking for a buddy that will go jogging with you, play frisbee at the park and hang out in the garage then you should be able to find lots of great dogs out there. If you are looking to get into any kind of sport training like schutzhund then I would suggest finding a breeder that specializes in this. The majority of police departments that use GSD's buy them from vendors which import them mostly from europe. Usually the netherlands, czech republic and also germany. That is because of the strict breeding practices over seas which breed dogs for drive and tempermant and not for looks. Some of these US dog vendors will breed these european dogs and sell true european blood line dogs. When I am in the market for a puppy this is where I will be looking. For a puppy I will probably be looking at somewhere between 1000 and 2500 dollars however. For the average person that wants a companion to play with and bark if something goes bump in the night then that is not necessary. Be wary though of breeders out there making claims of different pure bloodlines. It seems that everyone claims "german" blood lines. The best advice I can give is to get to know the breeder and his or her dogs. Best case scenario would be to interact with the male and female and also some of their previous pups that are now adult dogs. That should give you an idea as to the tempermant and drive of the puppy you are buying. Hope this made some sense, good luck!

Here is my partner. He is trained for patrol work, cadaver detection and also evidence detection. He is a great dog!

You will never find a more loyal dog. Here is mine.

She is from a German working line also. If you would like PM me and I can give you the breeders info. Her dad and mom are both Schitzen (excuse the spelling) champs.

Just Living The Dream
Predator - the dog that bit me when I was a kid looked just like that one, except yours is prettier. Even though she is pretty, I would think she is a mean dog.
Homer, totally understandable. Being grabbed by a powerful animal leaves an impression not easily forgotten. I get asked all the time by neihbor kids if mine is a police dog. Some I tell no, the gangbangers I tell yes. Either way, no one has yet come onto my property uninvited.
hey Homer - by chance when you got bit by this dog, was it because you had crashed an 11 year old birthday party you were not invited to?

Just checking.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Thanks for all the replies! We will be getting a puppy from majicforest kennels! The pups are about 3-4 weeks old so we will get our female the first part of Jan! Thanks for all the help and I will make sure to put some pics up! Her website is if anyone is interested in seeing pics of the pups! Merry Christmas


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