Georgia wins LL World Series


Active Member
Did anyone see this game? What a great game! After the game, when the American kids were so elated and the Japanese kids were so dejected. What a terrific show of sportsmanship the American kids displayed. Your heart had to go out to the Japanese kids and parents who gave it everything they had.

I believe that professional atheletes could learn something from those kids!
With all the steroid issues in the MLB, basketball refs illegally gambling in the NBA and M Vick and the other thugs giving the NFL a black eye , it sure was great to see that good old fashioned ball is still played and the game and players respected.It takes our youth to show respect and appreciate the game. Congrats to GA on winning and to the rest of the teams that competed...
Most people forget how truly great sports at that level can be. Lock the parents out in some cases and you usually have sportmanship at it's finest. Both teams did theirselves proud.
Great game! Was it just me, or did that kid who hit the walk off H/R look a little "juiced", if you know what I mean?

JUST KIDDING!:) I watched quite a few of the games. I would like to see a best of three series though. Wouldn't that be exciting?

i watched it , was a GREAT game ,,,, can you imagine it? a walk off home run to win the series !!!!!!!!! that kid aint gonna sleep for a week :) every single kid that ever loved to play, dreams of doing just that ,,,, was a great game :)

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