General elk information, and ideas


Very Active Member

I keep going back and forth on applying for Wyoming or not, for deer, elk, and antelope.

Being from NV, we cannot apply until mid March for all of our hunts. I am also limited on how much vacation time I can take at once due to my job requirements, but getting 12 days off in a fall is not that big of deal, providing I give enough notice. For the simple sake of the cost of the tag, and ease of the hunt, antelope seems to be the best option for an out of stater, however, I won't know if I drew or not in either NV or WY and be able to base the other states' application decision off of that. The big exception to that is elk, which has the results out by the end of February.

Now the problem I run into here is the fact that I am 5 years behind in points. I have killed 3 elk in NV (cows), and have not applied for bulls (don't want to wait 20 years). This year I did not apply for elk here simply because I am still eating on 2009's elk, and have 2010's elk yet to go.

I do want to kill a bull at some point, but it does not need to be a monster, just a nice branch antlered bull would suit me fine, then I can decide if I want a "booner" after that. I have looked at a lot of areas, mostly in central and south central WY. 100, 111, 24, etc. are likely out just because of time. I think 118 I could likely draw in 8 years (type 1), and hunt cows in the same area meanwhile. I have also looked at the prospect of just buying a point now, and then next year applying for a General elk tag. Areas that I have looked at for that have been 13, 15, and 21. 21 seems to have decent success rates overall, and decent public land access. If I draw a gen tag on my 1st choice, then I would also have some later options in other parts of the state closer to NV, should I not harvest a bull in (enter October hunt area here). I would also know before hand if I drew, and would be able to plan accordingly for the NV hunts as well.

The big thing is I like to hunt deer in September, which works well in NV because of the muzzle loader seasons (cow elk as well). That is also a conflict with a lot of antelope areas in Wyoming. If I draw a Wyoming elk tag, then I could simply opt out for the NV elk draw, and just apply for deer, antelope, and points for everything else.

I guess my bottom line question is, what would you do in my situation? I am not trying to be a pain in the ass, and I have asked for some information on a couple of areas in the past. The big thing is I have a hard time spending $600 for a cow only tag (or $300 even), when I can do that here no problem, and get to hunt most every year I apply (September muzzle loader season).


If I were you, I would buy a PP for Wyoming right now and then start applying for a LE tag next year as your first choice and the general tag as your second choice. Normally it takes the Special License draw to do that and get the general tag, but there is always a slight chance of getting the tag in the random draw. Are you aware that if you bow hunt that you can buy a $30 archery permit and normally hunt the month of September on your tag and then go back to rifle hunt if you don't fill it? That could even be tied into an antelope hunt with a bow or gun in some of the units. Definitely buy the elk PP this summer and you might even want to buy a PP for antelope or deer too. All 3 would only total $120 to start getting you into the hunt for better units that might take 3 to 5 PPs.
I was under the impression that the random draw was seperate from the PP draw? So do all of the unsuccessful applicants from the PP draw get bumped into the random draw as well? I did consider putting a LE choice first, and then GEN as my second choice, but then looked at the draw odds, and there have been no leftover GEN tags in the PP draw for the last three drawings at least. (regular price anyway).

Thanks for the information.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-11 AT 07:54PM (MST)[p]That is correct on both counts. Anybody that doesn't have a PP and ones that didn't draw in the PP draws go into the random with the same chance of drawing those tags. Yes, you are also correct in that the only way the last few years people have drawn the general on their second choice is in the Special Draw.
Looks like you understand your options quite well. I'm in a similar situation, but have a few more points already. My only advice is to be cautious of getting on the points treadmill. Your 8 year estimate could easily become a lot more. I can't wait to draw my tags and get off the points treadmill.
If I put in for a limited quota area and put in for the special fee and dont draw it, but draw the general season tag it would be at the higher price correct?
This is the second out of three years that I've drawn the general tag as a second choice in the special draw. It's a bit expensive but I'm still building points in the process. If the money doesn't bother you the general tag is pretty much guaranteed in the special draw as a second choice. Hunted it two years ago with archery equipment and a rifle and had a blast. I didn't harvest anything but it wasn't from lack of opportunities. Saw several bulls over 300 and one that was all of 330...just couldn't seal the deal. Looking forward to hittin' it again this year. Awesome state to hunt.
Slimshedy---I agree with you 100% in that if a guy can afford to spend that extra money and go into the special draw like you mentioned that you can hunt just about every year on the general tag while building PPs for a LE unit. I'm actually surprised you missed drawing it one of the three years doing it that way. Good luck this Fall and I alos have to say a big thumbs up on your closing statement!
TOPGUN...Just bought points last year as I was planning on drawing my unit 67 lope tag. I'm sure I would have drawn it last year had I put in. Didn't have the time for both.
Thanks for all the information guys. I also like the idea of the Special draw. Now I guess it comes down to deciding which LE area to apply for. Decisions decisions decisions.

Thanks again.

SS---That makes more sense because it always seems to be 100% in that draw, so you have actually been 2 for 2 in it.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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