Geese in the wind?


Long Time Member
The "if you hunt long enough" thread got me thinking of times where i have missed. Among those, one day several years ago stands out big time in my memories. I and a good friend was shooting Heavy Shot 3" mags at passing Geese. The wind that day was blowing a gale, harder than i can ever remember hunting in. The Geese were wanting to get back to the Refuge across the highway and they had to fight against the winds to get there.

Time after time, these specks and snows would fly over us within Range but out about at the limit of what we have found this HS ammo to be effective. That wind was such that though the Birds were flying hard, they would pretty much be stationary right over the top of us. I tried everything i could think of but at about $3.50 a shot, i shot up a hundred dollars worth of ammo in no time and didn't drop one goose. Talk about frustrating...

What could i have done different? Can a nasty wind blow the shot patterns off that much? Thanks!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Do Not Lead them!:D

And Yes,Wind even effects Scatter Guns!

Just Think sage!

You didn't have to Gut them!

And you didn't have to eat them!:D:D:D

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I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
I like when its a bit windy while hunting ducks and geese, but to much wind can be a problem. What size shot were you using? Maybe try a bigger shot size like bb or t in the heaviest load you can find. I've had good luck with heavy shot in 3", but man are they spendy. Here in windy Wyoming I've had the same problem on ducks and it has helped.
In a word: Yes

The birds had to fight against the wind and were "almost" stationary. Couple that with the wind direction and distance to the birds and you most certainly shot behind them.

I could give you goose stories also but suffice to say: been there, done that.

We see it on the skeet field all the time but of course we're shooting smaller shot and usually smaller gauges. It's a bad week when I don't get to pop the cap on 150+ rounds! I'll be there again today!

Here's the waterfowler's motto: MORE LEAD, MORE LEAD!

Thanks Guys!!

Pretty sure we were buying BB shot. We had our good days there though i never did really get the hang of shooting them out at the distances my pard did. That day was one of those days that come along to the point that it just takes all the fun out of it.

Looking back, i was swinging thru the birds and letting go, i was aiming a couple bird lengths ahead, i was aiming right at the birds, i was leading 4-5 feet, nothing i tried worked and before i knew it , was outa the 30 or more HS goose shells i had with me.

As i was walking back to the house trailer we had set up on the club, a drake mallard buzzed in real close before he saw us then flared off to make a get away. I swung around on him and dumped him first shot in one motion pretty as you please. Some compensation anyway, my pard and i laughed our asses off at why i couldn't pull that off on those


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Some days are just perplexing.
Sounds like you made all the adjustment but still nothing would drop for you. No wonder that time still stick in your mind.
Good luck next time Joey! You'll probably go limit-straight and never miss. It just works that way sometimes.
Sage, you clearly needed a shot size with a higher ballistic coefficient. ;-)

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