Gavin Newsome just signed AB1955 which bans schools from making rules requiring parental notification if a child identifies as transgender


Founder please keep this thread here. Not enough people read the political forum and this is important.

California and Newsome have gone completely woke IMO. Please see the above video link. "Gavin Newsome just signed AB1955 on July 16th 2024 which bans schools from making rules requiring parental notification if a child identifies as transgender. Get your kids out of public schools. That means if a 3rd grader lets say 7 or 8 year old, says to a teacher I’ve been a boy, but now I’m a girl and I want you to call me Allison. That the teacher would not only do it, but now legally has the right to hide it from the parents." quouted from Dave Rubin. This is totally deranged and wicked. Can you imagine that? Remove your children from public schools in California. IMHO
The bill disallows rules requiring parental notification. That is not the same as "legally has the right to hide it from the parents". A teacher could still talk about this in a parent teacher conference. But there could not be a law requiring a letter go out (e.g.) when a teacher identifies a transgender.

Your misunderstanding of how to spell Newsom (not Newsome) is only the tip of your misunderstanding.
The bill disallows rules requiring parental notification. That is not the same as "legally has the right to hide it from the parents". A teacher could still talk about this in a parent teacher conference. But there could not be a law requiring a letter go out (e.g.) when a teacher identifies a transgender.

Your misunderstanding of how to spell Newsom (not Newsome) is only the tip of your misunderstanding.
Great Crappy…..defend away
Could be losing funding with a different administration. It will end up challenged in court as unconstitutional... needlessly costing CA taxpayers more $$. All while Gavin sends his kids to private schools. It's the reason Musk is divesting all his CA business interests.
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