

Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-08 AT 09:05AM (MST)[p]Wonder if they will issue le tags for these soon :)

HURRICANE, Utah (AP) -- Fishermen are used to seeing all sorts of creepy-crawlers when they set out on a pond, but in Utah, nobody expects the wildlife population to include an alligator.

Wildlife experts were surprised to get the call that a young alligator was roaming a pond outside Hurricane.

The Division of Wildlife Resources captured the reptile earlier this month. The alligator was just less than 3-feet long, which wildlife experts say is big enough to cause problems -- especially down the road.

The pond is well stocked with fish the alligator could feed on and continue to grow. It's also a popular fishing spot and families with small children go there.

DWR investigators say the alligator was likely once somebody's pet, but grew either too big or too aggressive and the owner set it loose in the wild.


Information from: The Spectrum

(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Dang, first Piranha's in Utah lake and the Jordan River system, now alligators in a pond??
Utah is turning into quite the little aquatic zoo!!

There was a gator in a pond on the Az. Strip a couple of years ago. If I remember correctly it's was 8 1/2 feet long. They had a hell of a time catching it.

A few years ago there was a couple of snapping turtles caught along the Jordan river one was found by three boys.
I checked with the Fish & Wildlife Service and then with the alligator lovers. They will be happy with just 100 breeding pairs in Utah.

They will be good for the ponds, lakes, and rivers as they only eat the weak and sick.

As soon as the 100 breeding pairs is reached then you can start hunting them.

You guys are just alarmists.

I would love to have a bowhunt for gators here in utah. I just don't know if the state has enough tree huggers to feed a 100 breeding pairs
Good Luck and Great Memories
LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-08 AT 09:50PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-08 AT 09:50?PM (MST)

You are right Eel - the gators only kill and eat the sick and weak ...


They should help speed up the jogging trails around Park City real fast!

Well if they reintroduce 100 breeding paris of gators in Utah I will surely practice the kill and bury method!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
thats the beauty of a gator roy you dont have to shovle, its more like shoot and watch sink lol

Just Living The Dream

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