Garmin Oregon 300


Very Active Member
I broke my old garmin handheld when I feel on my @$$ during my coues hunt last Jan. So I just purchased a new one, the Garmin Oregon 300. I reallly like it, as it is much more user friendly than the old garmin I had. However I have a question. I am sure it will do what my old one did, but I can't figure it out. Lets say soemone calls me and gives me their location and I want to mark it as a way point to go to where they are at, how do I do that with the Oregon 300? I apperciate any advice you guys can give. Thanks Jim
>Really no one has any info
>on this for me?

I would tell you if I knew but I don't have a Garmin..
Did it come with a manual? I would probably look there.
I don't own the Oregon, but if you mark your location and toggle up to the coordinates, you should be able to change them to whatever you want. After this, you should be able to find the location you just created.--Kevin
Touch the "Mark" icon, then press the Save and Edit option. you then should be prompted with a list of options to change name, location and so forth. Press the edit location option and there you should have it.

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