GAOA Becomes Law


Long Time Member
Thanks to Sens. Gardner and Daines for getting this done and Trump for signing it. Huge win for Public Lands!

How i look forward to seeing heads explode as Donald J Trump is praised by BHA.

This was great and like it or not, Trump tweeting support, was the catalyst.

And despite some bad policy, you'd be hard pressed to point to a President whose done more for sportsmen in decades.

Good day for us!!
Would be funny to watch more and more dudes have to shut up and tip their cap.

Also a good example to Utah republicans. Hard to deny that trump is pro gun, anti abortion, sure would be nice to see he can be pro outdoorsman song so.

I know, Pendley. I m sure Lee will French kiss him, and Romney will take a poll for his thoughts. Hopefully that jackwagon goes down in flames

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