Game in Region D


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-12 AT 10:15PM (MST)[p]My Dad and I hunt near the Miracle Mile south of Alcova. Last year when we were hunting, we saw less than half of the deer and antelope we'd seen in previous years. I didn't go this year but my Dad did and he said the amount of deer and antelope was even worse as the previous year. Did anyone else experience the same thing in the areas they hunted? Where do the antelope go? From what we know there wasn't a big winter kill so whats the deal? Any thoughts?

My son turns 12 in Feb and his first opportunity to big game hunt will be in Wyoming in 2013. I'm hoping the population of deer and antelope is better then. It may be tough to find him a deer and an antelope.

Edit- we hunt antelope in 48.

Future holder of a 2014 LE Utah Deer Tag!!
Drought is very bad this year. Vast regions of usual antelope country contain none at all because of the lack of water. Deer have been in rough shape and numbers are way down, which is why the G&F made the season shorter. Time will tell what kind of shape they're in now after the winter. G&F is predicting substantial winterkill due to drought. I hope they're wrong.
I had talked to the Gamewarden from Medcine Bow last spring and things sounded so bad that I did not apply this year.To rebound to what it once was ,I would think it will take a minimum of 5 years or more.Thats if we do not have any bad winter kill.
Its more than winter kill for the goats anyway. They are killing way too many goats in that general area, especially does. The population cannot sustain the number of tags, plus the bad winter, plus the drought. I fear its only going to get worse unless they cut the tags. I quit hunting that area a few years ago, it was going downhill then.
I know they cut tag numbers but they need to cut more .Not just Region D but thru out the state. Deer and antelope are down all over.
I hunted just south of you in unit 87 deer. It was not good. We hunted HARD for 5 1/2 days (Dawn 'till dark hiking and glassing). Saw maybe 30 deer and 3 -4 bucks per day in what most think is one of the better L.E. units in the state. I killed a decent 4 point on the second to the last day and we had a good hunt but I was surprised and disapointed at the number and size of the deer. Also, in the lower winter range there is no feed. none. So, if they have a lot of snow its going to be a disaster for the game.
Hunted 101 with a buddy that drew it from Idaho.Deer numbers were down drastically from 2010(the last time I hunted it with another buddy that drew).In fact,I've never seen it so bad.Everywhere we went we saw few to no deer.Not even does.And when we did see does,there were no fawns.Not looking good out there.Antelope numbers were down as well,and no antelope fawns,either.We need a mild winter with lots of moisture or it's going to get worse.
Thanks for the replies. I may talk to my Dad about making other plans for my sons first hunt. It sounds very discouraging. From 2009 on it seems like its been a drastic decline. Lets hope they don't have a harsh winter.

Future holder of a 2014 LE Utah Deer Tag!!
There are a lot of units elsewhere that have plenty of deer and goats, but you need to do your research and find the areas that still have water. The unit I got my good buck antelope in this year had very few goats in about 2/3rds or more of the unit where it was dry, but after several days of scouting I finally found them where there was still a lot of water where cattle were grazing on the BLM.

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