Game 7



Ok boys here it is down to game 7. Who do you think wants it more? Does Boston have what it takes to pull off the win in LA's home court? I predict The lakers are gonna be champs again. Gonna be a blowout i think.


has anyone seen my kittie
Boston has an uphill battle and they better make an early charge, both offensivly and defenseivly. They can do it.

Can't stand the Lakers, but I don't know if I could stand ~Z~'s moaning and groaning tomorrow if Boston wins. Go Kobe Go!
Go boston, I am not a boston fan but I really don't like the lakers

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
i like the way Robb is thinking.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Halftime, couple few things so far;

Looks to me like Boston has more urgency, more ready to play

Ref's are letting them rough now, could more so.

Boston is getting more easy layups, esp in transition.

Lakers are getting more boards and look to have more upside if, IF, they can hit some buckets.

My Boy Artest is doing good on "O" and "D".

I don't care who wins but we got a game going and if i were to put money down after this first half, LA!

Robb you were close 4 points...wished i seen the game even with kobe kinda a no show...bigman artest showed up tough series i like both teams, just a true laker fan at heart and glad that fisher got another ring after all his kids health problems, that helped him land in LA again and utah released him to be able to go back to LA.


has anyone seen my kittie
3-Peat coming atcha next season!! Alright I'm sure I've fully annoyed the hell outta you guys already so I'll leave it at that and we'll do it all over again next season :)


Good game Boston need to get a Center.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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