Game 2...Houston @ LA


Long Time Member
After being swept in the reguar season (4-0) the Rockets really had no choice but to win game 1 if they wanted any hope at all...aint that the truth?? And hats off to em for being able to do so!! Hell lol guess who got swept by Jordan's Charlotte Bobcats this year?? :-( yup my Lakers, when they play bad ANYONE can beat em...when they play great nobody can beat em...

Game 2...the rest of the Lakers show up, play better defense, and the triangle offense is ran more over Lakers blow them out 7 minutes into the 3rd quarter and Phil Jackson adds another playoff win to his stats :)

I think I'm going to get my hair cut like Ron Artest and maybe I can bank some 3 pointers in!

... over a bad , everyone agreed missed call, again Kobe, the thug's, elbows involved. The play is under review by the Commissioner tonight to see if Kobe's elbow action in that play will lead to a suspension.

I'm all for tough hoops. Leave the elbow blows at home though. Kobe is king of the elbow throwers and he takes it too far.

Artest had a pretty good game. LA started out fast but Houston is not going away. I expected LA to win this one at home tonight. I also was not surprised at the lack of class LA showed on the floor tonight. It's going to be a interesting series. Going back to Houston!

Were you not entertained...seriously?? LMAO sorry, but that was a "playoff game" for sure...

Fishers foul was definately worth a suspension for game 3, nobody else will or should be suspended...

What's funny is about 1 second before Kobe threw the elbow, Artests elbow was pressed directly in the back of Kobe's neck as he was boxing out...but nobody mentions it??

"We are playing basketball, there is a lot of contact taking place," Bryant said. "If you are going to be physical you have to expect to get physical back."



Derek Fisher is such a thug, don't you agree. Its too bad
to see a washed up player resort to thugery lol....
Joey- Heres my favorite comment on that forum, "Oh no! A basketball player threw an elbow down low in the post! Stop everything because this is getting out of control
Give me a break, dude, and go watch figure skating." Some of those guys on that thread were pretty harsh on Kobe.

Woodruff- I did not see THAT coming from Fisher! I think just yesterday I said he was a great guy? Damn....I gotta admit, that "hit" on Skola was uncalled for. Although, I do like Fisher as a body guard. He won't let you get away with anything....obviously. That was a nasty hit. I think he'll get suspended for game 3 which is ok. He deserved it and the Lakers have quicker guys to cover Brooks. I can't wait for game 3! It's gonna be a blood bath.

As far as Artest goes, anytime you make the gesture that you're gonna cut somebody's head're gonna get ejected!

As bad as I can't stand LA, and I still hope Houston wins, Artest is the biggest idiot out there. He is a decent player, but is waaay over rated and far from the "star" that many think he is.

He has never seen a shot he hasn't liked. I think Lamar Odom was a big part of the problem. He would not shut up and kept jawing at Scola. Then, everything else blew up.

Regardless, they are both great teams and I really enjoy watching the series. I wish the Jazz could get some toughness.
At least these two teams play defense.... If Boozer was in this series, he would probably be under evaluation at some hospital.
OK, You guys are right!! :) Artest was smashing Kobe all night with his elbows. Artest is a Basketball Idiot and doesn't play very good and give...

No, i can't do it. Wiz, you're delusional here at best. To accept that kind of play as "fair play" shows a complete lack of class on your part. I would hope you never pass on that kind of ethics when or if you decide to coach children! You didn't even admit kobe fouled him?? The reason many were hard on Kobe and his play in that thread, He's done it before and A lot of people don't agree with you!

Woodruff, Your saying what you have about Artest shows a complete lack of Basketball Knowledge. When you put down Artests Basketball IQ and his quality and execution of the little things that make a "very good" basketball player, you lose all credibility of Knowing anything about the game. I never said i though he was a world beater, or a nice guy for that matter, i said i like the way he plays!

"Woodruff, Your saying what you have about Artest shows a complete lack of Basketball Knowledge. When you put down Artests Basketball IQ and his quality and execution of the little things that make a "very good" basketball player, you lose all credibility of Knowing anything about the game. I never said i though he was a world beater, or a nice guy for that matter, i said i like the way he plays"

You are right about that (my lack of basketball IQ). Who knows, if it was "high", I might be a coach!
HOLD THE F ON...did someone say Joey is high??'s all comin together now ;-)

But seriously J man it's the damn playoffs bro chill out!! There will be elbows, punches, ejections, techs, knock downs, name calling, blood, stitches, ect...all the way til the end when there's only one man still standing, and I'm sorry but he's going to be wearing a #24 in purple and gold :)

LAST EDITED ON May-07-09 AT 02:47PM (MST)[p]Joey- I never once said that any of those players actions/elbows was acceptable. I have seen Kobe throw some elbows and I don't think that is acceptable. Theres probably a lot happening on the court that nobody sees. It is professional basketball and that stuff will continue to happen. Kobe did throw elbows...theres no denying that. Some fouls will be missed and that elbow to Artest was missed. The league will look at it and probably give him a fine. I do not teach my kids to play dirty. I do coach softball and soccer and I will teach kids how to play the game up to the standards for which age group they are in. For example, this year in 12 and under soccer, we did teach them that they are able to shoulder charge in order to gain access to the ball. It is legal and until the ref calls a foul, the more physical the long as it is done legally and ethically. The older the competition, in any sport, the more physical the player get. Just like in the NBA. Sports are physical and if you don't teach the physicality of the sport, you are doing a dis-service to the kids involved. I don't care for the criticism regarding coaching styles as I am a caring and ethical coach. I don't see how what I've said in the past brings up your point anyway. Again, the refs miss some calls but Artest needs to keep his witts and not make the gesture of cutting Kobes head off. Artest is a good player and is just as physical a player as Kobe. I'm looking forward to game 3 in Houston. I think we'll see what both teams are made of.

Steve said; "Joey- I never once said that any of those players actions/elbows was acceptable. I have seen Kobe throw some elbows and I don't think that is acceptable."

I wish you would just have come out and said this to begin with Steve. You can't really believe Artest was gesturing cutting Kobes throat. You know what it was he was gesturing, i can't figure why you keep saying that??? Hey, i love tough D, box him out, in your face, hoops as much as the next guy. Nothing wrong with a hard played game! Leave out the cheap shots and elbows to the face though. It cheapens the game in my opinion. Some of your above comments and those from the other thread, to me, look like you're calling for blood.

WoodR, I don't know what to say. I guess i was a bit critical of you view. Sorry about that!

Never_C, That little missed call and absurd reaction by the ref's very well may have cost Houston the game. As it was being played the Rockets wern't out of it, they were tied at the half, until Artest got 86'd. So yeah, it pissed me off. I've been there before and with the Lakers it's always the same old thing. I'm cool! High? Naw, maybe tomorrow, hope not but i'm good for today!!!

Its hard to say that it cost them the game. Artest can score and he's physical but no one can say that they would've won. I guess we'll never know.

A lot of guys throw cheap shots. Now in the playoffs, I'm sure they'll really be looking out for them and calling them a little stricter. I hard and let the best team win.

Steve, This is what i said, " That little missed call and absurd reaction by the ref's very well may have cost Houston the game."

I said "may have"

Artest, though no Kobe, does a lot of things really well. His only downfall is wanting to put too much pressure on himself for the team to win. This sometimes shows itself in poor shot selection but he's not the only player who does this...and, only on occasion. Most of the time, he's gonna play team ball and get his 15-20 along the way to a win

He usually gets assigned one of the tougher to defend guys, even if it be someone bigger or out of his position. He also has been leading the team in assists as well as steals, quite simply, this team does best when Artest draws the defense, gets double teamed and has mismatches inside, puts in the clutch 3, involves his team mates with good entry passes, and pays attention to what's happening on the floor... all this to feed his desire to win, just the way he plays the game, IMO, KINDA similar to how Kobe is needed by the Lakers. That's exactly the kinda game he was playing last night, until...

Last night, after Houston caught up and passed the Lakers, it was anybody's game and i believe Kobe knew that and did just what it took to get Artest out of the game, thus, the Win. Absurd? Maybe, "maybe" it is but i would not put it above Kobe to do just that!

Sage... In case you didn't notice, the Lakers were up by either eight or ten when Artest got ejected. So, don't say they had "caught up", because that was earlier in the game. Kobe simply would not allow L.A. to go down two to zero. As far as the elbow, it's all positioning in the paint for a rebound. They happen when you are playing basketball, which to me seems like you compare to a sport that allows no contact. There is contact allowed, especially in the playoffs. Now what DFish and Rafer Alston did were uncalled for. That is EXACTLY why they got suspended and neither Kobe or Artest did......
Mossback50, I played Football and Baseball in college but may well have played Basketball as well. At 6'2, started all 4 years at Livermore High as a Forward, big school, and then played competitive men's league hoops for many years. I understand how the game is played and did quite well in our leagues stats especially for being so undersized. How'd i do that? I worked my butt off, understood using position, and played very hard nosed ball.

"Kobe simply would not allow L.A. to go down two to zero"

My point exactly!

Yes, the Lakers were up at the time but they were up much more than that during the first quarter yet the Rockets came back. It's easy to say that they wouldn't have came back again, with less points to make up, but we'll never know that. You sound as if you know a few things about the game yourself. The last 8-10, even less, minutes of any game, other than a blowout, are when the winning or losing gets done! Example; game 1

BTW, i didn't think or believe Kobe would get suspended! He's to sly to get caught like that :) I'm just saying that there's a good chance that he knew exactly what he was doing!

Joey Joey Joey, dude I'm not attacking you so don't take it that way...however you keep bringing up "that little missed call" but have you watched the replay at all?? Honestly have you?? If so you will clearly see Artest foul Kobe TWICE (that's 2 little missed calls) less than 3 seconds before Kobe RETURNED an elbow so to say it may have cost them the game is flat out retarded...perhaps it was more like a lack of defense, steals, FG, FT, and 3 point %'s?? Sorry but the box score doesn't lie...and that little missed call didn't affect the box score whatsoever!!

What really should concern you as a Houston fan right now, is that Artest probably pissed Kobe off by reacting the way he did and a pissed off KB24 is a very dangerous KB24...expect the Black Mamba in the first and third quarters of game 3!! Kinda like the Lakers @ Jazz game 4...Houston has yet to see him on fire!!

"Last night, after Houston caught up and passed the Lakers, it was anybody's game and i believe Kobe knew that and did just what it took to get Artest out of the game, thus, the Win. Absurd?"

Also I have a personal question. Why, in EVERY thread where you disagree with someone, do you ALWAYS resort to saying that person lacks class?? It's gettin a little old to be honest...somehow you haven't yet but please never tell me I have no class lol I'll just openly admit it so everyone already knows ;-)

Post #3..."I also was not surprised at the lack of class LA showed on the floor tonight."
Post #9..."To accept that kind of play as "fair play" shows a complete lack of class on your part."
Don't make me dig into the archives, I'll do it lol...

Lots of stuff there. You have your right to your opinion, i do mine.

What i saw Artest and Kobe doing under the hoop is what we all agree is hard nosed Ball. Then the elbow came and that was a cheap shot. That little missed call was what eventually brought about putting Artest out of the game IMO


I said Maybe and that i wouldn't doubt it! Did you read the thread of the link i posted above? Seems all the Rockets fans here at MM are sitting on their hands but in that thread there are lots of people saying just as i am. Someone even titled it KOBE=THUG

Lack of class in a sporting event= elbows to the face or condoning such. I'm gonna call it as i see it. Always have, always will. That don't mean i'm right. Believe me, i know fer fact that i'm not always right. But i do speak my mind and if the shoe fits...

I don't buy into kobe going off. It'll be fun to watch. Kobe's the better player no doubt but IMO, Houston is the better Team. I'm looking forward to the series. Go Rockets!!

Q. Where is Artest's left elbow and where is Kobe's right elbow in this picture??


A. Artest's is against the side of Kobe's face and Kobe's is against Artest's chest/right shoulder area, below his throat.

Just calling it as it is...not just how I see it

N_Catch, apparently you don't like to be insulted so i'm trying to understand your logic here without doing so. Do you understand that using your fist to push against a person in establishing position is absolutely different that punching someone with that fist? It's the same with an elbow!

You seem to have a hard time accepting my opinion. Am i not entitled to it? Do i have to have it your way? Are you actually expecting to change my or anyone's mind here? Why bother to start a thread about a game if you don't expect to have opinions different than yours. I have mine you have yours.

Again, i'll point back to the thread-link that i posted above. Lots of people, way over a 100 comments, don't see it the same as you, didn't call it, or agree with "your way" of thinking here yet you seem fixated to prove me wrong. Not happening dude!

Sage, I do know about the game. I played for thirteen years. If it wasn't for my small stature (I'm only 5'9") I could have done something with it. I never said Kobe didn't do it on purpose, but I guarantee you he was not trying to catch him in the throat/neck area. He is a very intelligent player, and thus knows the rules. He knows an elbow to that area is pretty much an automatic suspension. I have been in that position myself, boxing out for a rebound and having someone much bigger than you hanging all over your back. And what did I do? Your d amned right I caught him with an elbow in the gut! He sure didn't do that anymore. Rebounding is more about positioning than your ability to leap. And Kobe had the positioning on that play, but had a much heavier Artest latched onto his back. Thus, to get him off, he threw an elbow, which was meant for the chest/stomache area, but as you can see in the picture above, Artest was pushing Kobe's body to the side. That changed the trajectory and made it catch him a little higher than he would've liked.
Mossback50, I'll buy into all that! That very well could have been his intentions. The point of concern obviously was the high elbow though and for whatever reason, it went uncalled and impacted the game in a negative way for Houston. I called it before this series even got started. Kobe has a record of serious elbow throws!

Interesting you talking of position and boxing out as a smaller player. I always tried very hard to box out somebody, anybody once the ball was in the air. I remember having one guy in particular on my butt and the rebound coming my way. Trying to intercept it at the highest level, i'm going up for it and having to witness the guy that was behind me, clear my best effort by plenty to rip that rebound, clearly mine, away from my grasp. Humbling experience to say the least and i revisit that exact memory on occasion.

Growing up i had 4 seasons; football basketball baseball, and hunting :) I loved Basketball! But being our middle linebacker and then going straight to hoops in the same weekend as our last football game, was not a very smooth transition. I really had to work to make the starting 5. Most of the guys were full time basketball guys who went to hoop camps and played all year. Thus, i played small forward instead of the off guard position that my body size and shooting skills were built for. I didn't really care, i just knew that i wanted to start and did what i had to, to get good enough, shoot well and play tough "D", that the coach could not keep me off the floor.

Sage, It looks like I grew up pretty much the same as you. I had to stay busy with sports to keep myself out of trouble, because I didn't grow up in the best neighborhood. It started with football practices in the 100 degree heat to hunting to basketball to baseball. It was a year round commitment.

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