

Long Time Member
My son drew a G16 tag for the 4th season and I've been on a couple trips so far this summer. I've kept track and have seen somewhere between 150 and 170 different goats. Unfortunately I am having problems finding many mature (3+ year old) billies.

I scouted and hunted it fairly hard back in 2001 when I and a few buddies drew tags and there doesn't seem to be near as many mature billies now? I saw quite a few lone groups of 2 to 8 mature billies back then. About the only billies I am seeing are scattered 2 to 3 year olds that are in with the nannies.

If anyone has any suggestions I can be reached at [email protected]. I was shocked to find a group of 16 bighorn rams in the unit yesterday! They must have wandered over from Evans?

Good luck with that tag, I am JEALOUS!

Maybe next year......

For sure I am in 76 for elk though.

Have fun


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