G. Warden Pulled Me Over!!


Long Time Member
...to return the $150, rod and reel that fell out the back of my truck!

Yeah, i had left one of my Pards house with a outfit that i had left in his boat from the last time we went fishing. I put it on top of a bunch of plumbing stuff in the bed and when i turned out onto the main drag, kinda bumped her a bit to clean out the carb, where somehow, my pole bounced out on to the road unbeknown to me.

I'm now all the way on the other side of town about a quarter mile away when...Red lights and siren!!!

First thing comes to my mind is how glad i am to have quit drinking 12 years ago!! He gets out and comes up with my fishing rod! Says " hey guy, you lost this". Turns out, he's new to the area, loves to hunt big bucks, grew up near Weed Ca, and reads Monster Muley's forum!!! Great guy, nice young man. BS'd a half hour or so and welcomed him to the area!

I wish they were all like that and i'm glad he's based out of our little town! He had to run off finally, apparently he got a mt lion report nearby he had to deal with...

Joey, sounds like you got a good one for your area. We have been lucky in my area on the past three wardens being very good ones that had good common sense to go along with the laws they enforced and willing to help out the sportsman.

They were die hard hunters and fishermen also.

RELH, Yeah, i liked this guy right off the get go and because of his "just another guy" but sharp, clean cut demeanor, has already earned my respect and full support if ever needed.

Turns out he's already become pretty good friends with one of my main hunting partners here so who knows, we may be on a trip together one of these days.

Joey, you left out the most important part.

How's the rod and reel?

I've been checked by a couple local wardens. Both pleasant experiences.

"How's the rod and reel?"

LOL, Hard to believe but i could find no damage. Hardly a scratch!

Now i could tell you a story, of a special order Lamaglass steelhead rod, that i "temporarily" left/lost off the top of my camper shell, while/after taking a nap and changing locations, being on a combo B-zone Buck hunt and steelhead fishing trip on the Trinity River. It was returned to me after he saw my posted note, at the mini-mart gas station, of reward offered. The guy was about the 10th to run over it, i believe, but he took the reward money anyway. It appears in my reward offer, i didn't say that it still needed to kinda look like a complete fishing outfit. :)

I could tell you of that time not so long ago...but i'm trying oh so hard to forget of it!! :)

was he transferred from BAKERFIELD....?


"I could tell you of that time not so long ago...but i'm trying oh so hard to forget of it!!:)"

Oh no, you're not getting off that easy! Let's hear it Joey!

Joey, glad that you got your rod back ok....but the real question is how did it work yesterday in the trout tourney?
>Joey, glad that you got your
>rod back ok....but the real
>question is how did it
>work yesterday in the trout

That's what I was wondering myself????
Thank guys!! I did an update in the Cali Forum. You can check out the tournament results there... it's just too sad to tell again. :)

Hell, good thing Rus was'nt there, you'd probably both be sittin in jail. We all remember how well he gets along with wardens :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LOL, jackrussel seems to not believe Game wardens, what they do, what they say, or if they were even right to begin with. He also comes across as someone who doesn't have much regard for law enforcement officers as well. What's that saying that goes around here; Don't hate the players, hate the game? Well, i've found out the hard way from a couple drinking and driving episodes thru the years and a couple "other minor encounters" that there was never an issue with the officers, they were nice enough just doing their job, it was me that was the issue and i'm thankful and glad to say, i've cleaned up MY game.

Always have been a big supporter of game wardens. Without them, i believe there would be no game animals. If we could have 5 more wardens move here to our little town, i'd be all for it!!

Now, a a-hole has a tough time even under the camo of a badge. I hope you guys are lucky enough, like we are around here, to have a great bunch or regular guys, enforcing the law and game regulations in your neck of the woods. Sometimes i suppose a few can get thru under the cracks. That has happened here a time or two, but, they were soon gone down the road as the word gets around fast and for whatever reason, for who knows what cause, they didn't last very long in this all beautiful place to live of North Eastern Calif.


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