G-3 Coming up!

I'll be up there Wednesday-Sunday taking some photos and calling predators into bow range. Probably chat a bit with Nickman as well......should be a nice time to be there.

BOHNTR )))---------->
I hope Jim kills a Monster, Hope this storm dropped some snow up high and is pushing them down.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
We got GREAT snow last night......the deer will be here tomorrow.

The few that are here early, are into the rut big time, (we shot quail within 250 yards of several, and they barely looked up....even with the dogs running around) but as of yesterday, we were short about 500 does in the unit.

By this time tomorrow, they will be on the Eastern slopes for the rest of the winter.

Although the next series of storms are not coming soon, the cold temps on the Kern Platteau will cause the feed to go dormant and they have to come down.....and stay for the Winter.

With the rut in full swing now and the migration beginning, we should have "all the players in attendance".

The winter range is in EXCELENT shape.

All the keys will be in place for Dec 3rd and the guys with tags should have plenty of "shooters" to keep them busy.

We will have to count on Bohntr to post pictures. He will be camped in the unit for Thanksgiving, and he takes great photos.

I am leaving for an Arizona, unit 10 bull elk hunt, on Thurs and won't be back till the 1st, so I will not be taking any G3 photos early.

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
Don, rifle bull? Good luck!!! I'll be there Fiday afternoon for the Saturday opener.

Roy, what part of the desert do you hail from? Or, is it none of my business?

My son lives in Lodgepole, and he said as of this morning there was over a foot of new snow. Jim is going to put one on the wall. Paul
"Roy, what part of the desert do you hail from?"


I'm down in the low desert (La Quinta)......East of Palm Springs.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Finally it's almost time to go and I am getting anxious and really looking forward to this hunt. It should be a lot of fun getting together with Nickman and Paul and who knows we might even get a deer!!
>I hope Jim kills a Monster,
>Hope this storm dropped some
>snow up high and is
>pushing them down.

Thanks Gator..
I will start the flood of pics for you G3 guys. Good Luck should be some big buck on the ground. 1-190+ buck already down low he is a 4x4 with trash very nice. And these guys, 1st one is pushing 185+ in my opinion 27" wide, 2nd one may be 165+ also about 27" widen last one is just a dinker 4x3 but cool with the snow and sky behind him. Snowed about 6 inches up top so they will be coming. This was right before the storm and one right after.




Hit me up after I come back.......I'll let you know whatever I see.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Jim- Word was that we were supposed to draw this tag simultaneously. Jerk! I hope you have a great hunt. Be patient and don't give in to the pressure of Don and Paul to get you to drink til you pass out. You never know what those guys are capable of! Have a great hunt!

Don't leave your keys in your car or it WILL get stolen. :(
One week until the big show!! We're going to get Nickman drunk for the first time in a long time after we fill some tags!!! Yeah, baby!!! pc
Working from my lap-top in camp. Not a lot of deer down yet even with the recent storms. I finally managed to see a few decent bucks including these two who battled for almost 20 minutes after they became locked up. Thankfully, they ended up getting unlocked and nothing broken on either buck. It was a battle like none I've ever witnessed in the outdoors.




BOHNTR )))---------->
Great photos Roy.. Glad both parties got unlocked and didn't break any headgear. I'm getting more excited by the day waiting for the opener.

Thank you for sharing the photos and keep them coming.

>Jim, have a great time and
>kill a great buck. PC,
>kill a few beers!:)

Thanks Steve.. I know we will have a great time and hopefully W will kill a big buck.


p.s. That goes without saying that PC will kill numerous beers!!
>I will start the flood of
>pics for you G3 guys.
> Good Luck should be
>some big buck on the
>ground. 1-190+ buck already
>down low he is a
>4x4 with trash very nice.
>And these guys, 1st one
>is pushing 185+ in my
>opinion 27" wide, 2nd one
>may be 165+ also about
>27" widen last one is
>just a dinker 4x3 but
>cool with the snow and
>sky behind him. Snowed
>about 6 inches up top
>so they will be coming.
>This was right before the
>storm and one right after.

That 1st buck is a beauty Kurt.. Thanks for sharing the great photos.

with the photo's that Kurt and Roy posted up. I hope you don't have a heart attack, and Paul and Nick wouldn't have you put you in the truck all frozen stiff and use that tag. Look like things are starting to happen, Hope you find one down on the flats.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Gotta tell ya Gator, Those are some great lookin' bucks.

I'm getting a bit excited!!
Thank you Bill, I'm really looking forward to the hunt. I think the guys helping me out on this hunt will make it a whole lot of fun regardless of the outcome which is what it's all about..


A few more photos to get the blood flowing.....I bet you can't wait until it opens. Hopefully a storm will come through and push some more deer down. They were already following the snowline up and it's melting fast.

I stalked in close to this guy bedded:


Here he is chasing a doe:


A pretty nice typical with almost no deductions:





A nice wide 4x4 with a weak right G4.....but still nice:


The 6x7 non-typical:


A few medium deer:




BOHNTR )))---------->
Those are some great looking Bucks BOHNTR thanks for sharing.I will have to take a ride up there one day and have a look for myself.
Keep posting up those great pictures, It's great see all those nice bucks. Plus I'm sure Jim likes the eye candy.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I'm gettin' a stiffy, and don't even have a tag. Can't wait to get to Independence, and go to the bar. Errr, uhhhh, I mean head up Onion Valley Road to look for a big buck for Jim. hehe pc
My best friend and his dad have this tag they party tagged and got it. My buddy realizes what he has but his dad has no idea. We as a group have been in and around the sierras for years but never during this time period. If anyone has something they can share it would be realy apriciated. I think we head up next week but not sure I'm just a sherpa on a need-to-know basis.

Reservations are in place land has been scouted my buddies just need to drop the hammer down on a couple monsters
Well Roy you sure did get my blood pumping after looking at the bucks you photographed. Those bucks are unbelievable and I cannot hardly wait until Saturday. Talk about choices.. I look at that big typical and then I look at the non typical and then I look at some of the others.. I just want to get up there and get this hunt started.

Thanks again for sharing the photos.

I know the wind is hitting all over , Is it getting all more snow up there.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
No precip at all. Could use another good storm for this hunt. Jim, if you know an Indian medicine man, you'd better get him to do a snow dance. lol pc
Remeber to take a lot of pics Paul. Have a good time. Get him a big one......you know what I mean.

Worlds Best ebayer
Great transaction, fast payment, A+++++
>Remeber to take a lot of
>pics Paul. Have a good
>time. Get him a big
>one......you know what I mean.

You did mean a big buck right Steve???

Say you meant a big buck..

I mean your not still upset about the tag thing are you???

Honest Steve.. I really did mail your tag with mine but for some strange reason I got drawn and you didn't. If it makes you feel better I sent a very strongly worded email to the F&G demanding a explanation. Still waiting for their offical reply.

I understand, Jim. Have you checked your junk mail box for that response from F&G? Maybe next yiear. I guess I'll just need to live through you this year. I hope you guys have a great time and see lots of bucks. Its the hunt of a lifetime.....don't blow it....you know what I mean. LOL!

Worlds Best ebayer
Great transaction, fast payment, A+++++
Anyone on here connect yet? I know of 1 4x4 taken 27" wide 180 inch buck that hit the dirt first thing Saturday morning and one buck shot with a bow then finish with a rifle not sure what that one was. That is all I know don't have permission to post pic sorry.
Jim (Mod. 70 Guy) took a nice buck Saturday morning. Waitin' for him to post a pic. I saw lots of bucks. Not as many toads as last year, but did see two monsters. pc
Way to go!!! I'm stuck at work going out of my mind until Friday then heading to MT Williamson hotel for the remainder of the season. Can't wait. Hope you guys left a few.
missing opening day does suck but at least the opening weekend zoo and preasure should be gone,good luck.
How long does it take Jim to email some pics over for Gods sake?! Geeeeesh....

Worlds Best ebayer
Great transaction, fast payment, A+++++
Sorry about the photos.. I have not even downloaded my camera yet. I will do so tonight or in the a.m.

I had a blast with Nickman and his family and friends and Paul Crawford, great people and lots of fun!

The only drawback was I was not able to stay up there as I had to go to work on Monday (new job). This had to be the worst possible year for me to draw G-3 because nothing and I mean nothing has gone right this year but at least I was able to go even though I was only there for two days.

I will recap the hunt when I post photos, the buck I killed was a 6x4 non typical and not a monster but I was happy as can be with the deer and the way it all worked out. He had only a couple of teeth left and zero body fat so I believe he most likely would not have survived the winter. Overall there was not many deer in the zone yet.

More to come...

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