Yes I suppose we should have sat WWI and WWII out. it also took the dems less time to win those than it did Bush to screw up Iraq and stay for how long? who knows.

Nam and Korea had a point to them but a little harder to distinguish. a line in the sand to communist seemed the thing to do at the time, if you recall Nixon seened to think so too.

Nice try anyway Manny , thanks for playing.
> Yes I suppose we should
>have sat WWI and WWII
>out. it also took the
>dems less time to win
>those than it did Bush
>to screw up Iraq and
>stay for how long? who
> Nam and Korea had a
>point to them but a
>little harder to distinguish. a
>line in the sand to
>communist seemed the thing to
>do at the time, if
>you recall Nixon seened to
>think so too.
> Nice try anyway Manny ,
>thanks for playing.

look i'm shaking my head, LOL.........

Maybe you stumbled into the truth. Maybe we should have sat out WWI, it's not like the Germans attacked us after all. And as we all can plainly see the French really truly appreciate our sacrifices..... not.
Why don't you take a moment and let us know why we sacrificed so many men to stop communism, with over 110,000 men killed, which I take as you think was a good sacrifice but stopping islamofascism isn't.
By liberal standards we should have turned tail and ran in Korea and Vietnam quickly because of public opinion polls were against both those wars.
It's odd to see you support those 2 wars when neither country attacked our homeland and the loss of our soldiers was so great.

Dude, what was the reason for America getting involved in WWI? If the same scenario were in play today, how many Americans would support entering it?

Did the 100,000+ men lost in the two world wars stop/end communism? If not, then why do you expect miracles on the war against islamo fascism? We have lost 4000 in this war, yet you state the 'cost' is too high. I suppose if we had lost 100,000 troops and 'ended' it 2 years ago the 'cost' would have been more acceptable. WTF? I put a higher value on our troops than dollar bills.

What was accomplished by the Korean and Vietnam wars? Other than many times greater HUMAN costs than this war? Is communism dead/defeated? If you think so, you are naive.

Out of the 2 world wars, the Korean war, and Vietnam, how many did we get into because of direct attacks on America? Yet, Iraq DID attack America, they fired on our planes almost daily after they signed a treaty saying they wouldn't after the first Gulf War. Should we have ignored EVERY intelligence report out there and asked Sadam for a group hug?

I also get tired of hearing how many Iraqi civilians have died because of us being there. Question, how many people died AFTER we withdrew from Vietnam? Was it more/less than while we were there? Was it more/less than the total that have died from us ridding the world of Sadam? Who was it that 'lost' Vietnam? Was it the military, or was it the pinhead suits in DC who caved into public polls? You CANNOT run and win a war based on polls on the mood of the people the day the poll was taken after they read/heard the media saying how bad things are.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Oh yes they do, but those classes are all taught by people who think like H-dude!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-08 AT 06:09PM (MST)[p]My post "maps of war" on here takes this even further if you want to look it does it with technology it is amazing!! it was a month or so ago I posted it.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-08 AT 08:27PM (MST)[p]I thought Ike got us started in VietNam ... silly me.

One more thought .. I'm so thankful that GWB got us involved in the GOOD WAR. Stupid Dems can only fight BAD WARS. Christ! take me now.


Yes you are silly. The first advisors were sent in by Truman in 1950. It's ok due to your advanced age.

To say the German empire taking on Europe in WWI is the same type of threat as as Muslim terrorist from Saudi Arabia flying planes into the WTC is flat stupid, you know they weren't from Iraq right? I just don't think most of you get that yet.

In no other war in history did we have a nation cut off from the rest of the world and weapons inspectors in country before WE started a war. your attempts to rationalize this war with wars from the past is not only pathetic but it shows how desperate you are. excactly who are we at war with anyway? not Iraq, not Iran, just a bunch a whack job rag heads spread all over the world from 15 different nations and we're stuck baby sitting a loser government in a country we shouldn't have attacked. dumb stuff, and you guys suck it up like a Hoover Deluxe.
>You sound angry.

If you were ALWAYS on the wrong side of history, wouldn't you be angry? Cut him some slack.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.

Ok I'll cut him some slack.
Still, it makes me wonder why he hates Germans so much. Do you think it's their goose stepping march? Maybe it's something silly like their funny looking helmets. Or could it be that the US Army used German recruits to suppress the American Indians in the west?

WMD's or not, I'm glad " misc. rag heads" or whatever H-dude called em, are spending their time far from here trying to stay alive!

I think most Liberals wish we had not gone into Iraq, but instead had used the down time between attacks(when the terrorists are planning, infiltrating, recruiting, ect.) to attempt to have a dialogue, a collaberation if you will, with the terrorists.....break down the barriers that are keeping us from communicating with them and establishing some common ground, you know build bridges, not fences......(I'm cracking myself up just typing this bs)

Maybe the Liberals will get their chance to run the War on Terror if Obama wins and he gets his chance to "dialogue" with these guys. Who knows maybe it will work...we can count the days between attacks, and see if they can do better then 6 1/2 years.

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