Funny Story


Long Time Member
If you have ever been to Neola you know the roads leave a lot to be desired. When I moved in there was a chinese elm tree that had grown pretty big right on the side of the road. My neighbor asked me to trim it so he could get past it without scratching his truck. So I cut the whole tree down, nasty sob's anyways. I left the stump there its about a foot across and sticks up about 8 inches. Well if you have ever dealt with chinese elms they don't die! They keep growing out of the stump, and they grow fast. I got sick of looking at the stump so I started trimming the starts into a square, more or less just screwing around. Well its pretty full now and looks like a shrub that's supposed to be trimmed like that. As I mentioned before its right on the side of the road, pavement was lifting around the north side of the stump. I get home last night and there are branches all over in the road! With a trail of oil running down the middle of the road to a car with 2 teenagers pushing it away. I walked up there and asked them what happened. The kid driving said he was messing around and went to run over that bush on the side of the road and hit something really hard and his car died. "We really need to get outta here before the guy that lives there gets home! Can you help us?!?" I laughed and said sure where you taking it? "We can push it to my girlfriends house and I can come get it later its the house up there on the corner." So I help them push it up there and my buddy Joe walks outside to see what we are doing. The kid tells him the story, he keeps glancing at me trying not to laugh. We play it out a bit telling him that guy is an a hole and will call the cops if he finds out who did it, or he might just come stomp a hole in you. And so on. He was sooo nervous he was shaking and kept getting worse the farther we got! Joe has his daughter in on it now and tells her to give him a ride home. Joe and I go back to my house. She told him it was over if he didn't go talk to the guy that lives there and so on. Well he pulls into my driveway and kinda mopes up to my door and knocks very very soft. I stomp up to the door and rip it open! I thought he was going to pass out! Joe busts up laughing and the hard time starts all over! It was sooo funny I'm almost in tears from laughing so hard reliving this as I write it.
His car didn't fare very well, all that's left of the oil pan is the flange where it bolts on and a couple twisted pieces hanging down. The cross member is ripped in half. A huge gouge all the way down the floorboard and the muffler is torn to shreds! The rear bumper has a huge crack and tear going up to the trunk and a broken tailight.

Lmao! I haven't laughed this hard in a long long time. I don't know what his parents said/did, I will find out tonight.

That's funny. Wish you had a trail cam on it.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
you're prolly liable....just wait till his insurance company calls you...we'll see who's laughing then LMMFAO...

Poetic Justice Finally!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Hey justr,
Just a thought?
Might wanna remind Ms justr about the stump?
Might not be as funny next time,lol!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I would've loved to see the look on his face when it hit.

Mrs justr knows its there. She doesn't like to run stuff over.

I doubt they had anything over liability insurance on the early 90s nissan. Even still I doubt they would call the insurance for it.

lol...I don't think you understand justr......YOUR insurance is gonna theirs

Hey justr,
I think CUPSY speaks with experience?
What'ya think?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I just got off the phone with Joe and he said his dad just came and picked the car up. The kid will be paying for it himself and won't get his drivers license back till its fixed.

Ya it made sense is why he made me nervous. But this one turned out good for me other than I wish he woulda ripped the stump out of the ground.

lmao.....sorry is a great play..

He prolly won't be smart enough to go that

It sounds like entrapment to me. A "little bush" planted next to the road is too irrestible for a teenaged boy. LMAO!

I bet he stays in the road from now on.

As a kid on the ranch, some guys/kids periodically would drive up the old county road at night running over mailboxes along the way. After the first time it happened to us, Grandpa made us dig a extra deep post hole that we tamped in a old 10' section of heavy steel railroad track. We set it in cement on the bottom, middle and near the top of the hole, painted it white to look like a normal post, and then mounted the mail box on that.

Sorry to say, we never caught the guy/kids that got their fun by running over mail boxes but if they had ever again tried to run over ours, they would have been in for a very big surprise indeed. :)

LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-10 AT 07:54AM (MST)[p]That was an episode of CSI, guy kept gettin his mailbox smashed by kids with a bat so he filled it full of concrete. Drive by smashed it at high speed, tore his arm mostly off, driver crashes and they both die and the homeowner gets arrested for manslaughter. Good times.
I'll bet the mailman was pissed that he was not able to fit the mail in the box because of all the concrete...

>I'll bet the mailman was pissed
>that he was not able
>to fit the mail in
>the box because of all
>the concrete...

Thats the genius of Hollywood, it was a removable mail box that he swapped in and out.

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