funny plate


Very Active Member
I am at the DMV in provo right now and just saw something pretty funny. Some poor guy in front of me went to pick up his plates and started shaking his head. He is trying to get new plates as I type this. Seems like a nice enough guy and he is wearing a camo hat, so I hope he gets it it fixed. Although it would be funny to see some good ole boy riding around in his truck sporting a plate that says.

Z69 6AY


The mix up was that those plates were for felino.

but to be honest, and maybe i'm not getting it, but i dont see anything wrong with the tag #.

ahhh hell felino, i didn't know you were here! Sorry bout that guy.

go ahead and edit that other plate out please! That ,sir, aint right.

Between hairdressing appointments I always have time to check in :)

Good god I gotta stop with this alternate lifestyle garbage, it does turn thy stomach.
True story

A girl in AZ loves to boogy so she got her plate to say:


She gets torqued when people point out her problem. We just chuckle.

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