Funny or strange things that happened


Long Time Member
A couple of the other threads got me thinking about the crazy things that have happened over the years hunting.

My mom shot and wounded a buck one day, she came and got me and dad to track it. Where it was headed dad thought it best to put me in a stand nearby thinking it would pass and he put mom in another stand... well I was sitting there for awhile and heard a shot, figured it was dad finishing off the buck. Well a few minutes turned into an hour or so and next thing ya know a flock of chickadees comes by. When it was all said and done I had up to 8 chickadees sitting on my gun, arm, hand, knee and a nuthatch on the bill of my hat that was peering over the top into my eyes and would peck at my head. One chickadee was trying to find a way into my oversized chopper mit that was laying by my feet. I decided that if it went in I was going to step on the end to trap it and show off my "catch". He never went in far enough though. They hung around a few minutes before continuing on their way.

A minute or two later I see my mom standing on my shooting lane about 100 yards away. I signaled to her what the heck was going on???? She signaled back that she shot at a buck and it stopped right in the middle of my shooting lane when it crossed. She had seen a buck come by when dad was tracking the other one and shot at this one too. I was too distracted by the birds to notice it though, never seen that buck again (she missed) Dad found her first buck later that day... This was in MN where party hunting is legal...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Back in 1967 when I was still in college before going into the Army I shot a nice 8 pointer with my new 12 gauge Model 1200. Before I even began gutting it a couple came up and made a stink that I was gutting their deer. I looked closely and it had a perfect hole through one ear. They said she had shot it and they were tracking it. I gave it to them as her first deer with no argument after hearing they had tracked it quite a ways with that little wound. Later that week I shot the best 10 pointer I've ever taken down in southern Michigan in the same spot, so I guess the hunting Gods were on my side that season.

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