Funny Name



Do you think he was pulling a prank?
Jack Mehoff
Mike Hunt


A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
LOL....and his girl friend, Sharon Peters...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I actually had 2 customers at a dealership I worked at in Portland, named Connotuna and Dishpanhanns. They were from India.
Went to school with a guy named Peter Wacker.

I know someone whose father's name is King Richard Head

(King ##### Head)

Who the he!! would do that to their kid?
There used to be an old guy in Mesquite, Nevada by the name of Tucker T. Fuddpucker.
I'm a cop. I went to a Burglary in progress call at a huge railyard a few years ago. Two bad guys were seen breaking in. The first cop to arrive learned English as a second language. He ended up catching the first crook before anyone else arrived and began to question the crook about who his buddy was and what his name was.

No kidding, the bad guy said his buddys name was Mike Hunt.

The ESL officer must have repeated "he said his buddys name is Mike Hunt" 10 times very quickly on the radio. Nobody including the dispatcher could talk because we were all laughing so hard. The ESL officer had no idea what happend, and did not understand why the rest of us were in tears and gave a high five to the first bad guy once we got there.
I honestly went to school with a kid named Mike Hunt. He finally got tired of it and changed his name to Terry. I never could figure that out, why Terry? I would have gone with something super cool myself, like Max Powers or something.
I went to high school with Eric Hunt and Jack Knopf....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Pat McGroin

Hugh Jass

Max E. Padd

Peter B. Hangin

Jena Talia

Holden Cox

Peter B. Stiff

What about the Mexican girl with the really short legs......"Cunsuello" ......couldn't help myself.

I can't believe an atom bomb hasn't hit this thread.....
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-09 AT 08:43PM (MST)[p]When I was on the sub we had a guy with the last name "Swallow".
1st name in the Navy is always your rank, his was Seaman...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
How about the girl from Austin Powers.

My name is a lotta, alotta virg,,, ya you get it.

Love the mods here, have I mentioned that before???? Keep up the good work and don't nuke me. LOL
I would bet he worked harder, kissed more a$$ than any one on board. Anything to get promoted. Is there a 1st Class Seaman, that would be great.

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
I use Richard fitzwell as my standard alias. Also don't forget Fonda Cox Richard rider or Betty fukes
I just caught the name of the prosecutor in the case against the 11-yr. old being charged with murder:

John BONGIVENGO (Bong give 'n' go!!)
>How about the girl from Austin
>My name is a lotta, alotta
>virg,,, ya you get it.
>Love the mods here, have I
>mentioned that before???? Keep up
>the good work and don't
>nuke me. LOL

There was another one in one of the Austin Power movies....Ivana Humpalot
What do you call a woman with one leg shorter than the other?.... Ilene

What do you call a Chinese woman with one leg shorter than the other?.... Irene
Or the two gay Irishmen who were perfect for eachother...

Patrick Fitzgerald and Gerald Fitzpatrick
Rackcrawler, no it's 1st class petty officer but even when he got promoted to 3rd class petty officer the majority of the boat still called him seaman swallow. There's just some things that never leave your life :) I don't think he knew the rank's of the Navy when he signed up cause he really never did have a sense of humor about it.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

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