Funeral This Morning.....


Long Time Member
After 14 years, I came home last night from a school function and found him already passed on. His name is Bodie and my wife got him for me the year after when we got married. He was a great dog and my family and me will miss him dearly. Kids or wife don't know yet and I won't let them know until I bury him this morning. I'm sure he's in heaven rite now chasing something or looking for some grass to snooze on!
This picture was from 2007.

T&A Inspector
Sad deal Wiszard - you can always get a new dog but you will never be able to replace him.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Sorry to hear that Steve, Losing a buddy like that is very hard as they are such a big part of your family and it really hurts for a longtime to have to give them up.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-10 AT 11:16AM (MST)[p] Sorry man. That is sad! They become part of us. He will always be with you. Because you have a place in your heart for him. I am sure he made his way to the chicken coop in the sky where he can chase chickens till his heart is content. And there aint no dog catchers.

Thanks guys.....I told my wife this morning and she was tore up. Just got done with the burial. He's resting peacefully in our backyard next to our Boston Terrier we lost last year. I thank you for all of your kind words.....and pics (Z....nice as always!). I think I'll wait a couple of months before looking for another Viszla. Bodie was the second I've owned and I just think they're great dogs. I probably won't wait....I'll probably start looking tonight! :) If my next dog is half of what Bodie was, I'll be a happy man.

T&A Inspector
Your new dog will never live up to bodie. Try not to campare the 2. I made that mistake with and didn't like the new one for a few years until I started looking at her good points instead of focusing on what she didn't do as good.

Wiz, very sorry for your loss. I had to put my 12 year old female chow down a few weeks ago. Pretty sad when good pets go.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Sad deal Wisz, it is crazy how much they affect us when they go. Sorry for you loss. I lost a Lab quite a few years back, buried him out by the river, i guess so i could feel that he was running free. Hell to this day when i drive by that spot i cant talk for a good 10 minutes. Took me 6 months before i wouldnt cry my eyes out when the kids talked about him. Went and got me another one pretty soon after that....great dog...but not the same. Take care!
We picked the kids up from school today and brought them in the house. Sat them down and told them about Bodie. My 11 year old was in shock. Couldn't believe he was gone. She started cring so I gave her a hug. I start crying which was the wrong thing to do as I had an appointment with a client a short time from then. I'll bet my client thought I had been drinking or something. My eyes were blood shot and puffy. It's wierd to look out the slider and not see him. We'd let him in the house as a treat every other day or so. He never wanted to go back outside! Once his old bones got comfy on that carpet, it'd take a fire to get him up! It's really the first time I've had to look back and critique the life I gave something that depends on me. Did I give him a good life? Was there more I could have done for him to make him happier? Maybe bought him beggin' Strips more often.....played with him for just a few minutes longer? Who knows......I hope he knows I did the best I could.

T&A Inspector
Sorry for your loss. I lost my last dog nearly 4 years ago, I went soon after and got two new pups, it's still not the same. Again sorry for your loss.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-10 AT 08:11PM (MST)[p]sorry to hear that.

my dog is with me 24/7. there is probably 20-30 days a year that he is not with me. he goes to work every day, we hunt all fall/winter. it will be a bad day for me when his time comes.

the worst part about a dog is they just dont last long enough.

i asked this old guy once,(when i was a kid) who was a mentor to me and had an outstanding dog, "merle, do you think dogs go to heaven"?

he sat for a few moments and said " well i guess it really wouldn't be heaven if are dogs weren't there- would it?"

they are just like family and best friends- sorry to hear you lost one of your buddies.

Man, quit beating yourself up.

Any body with eyes in their head , can see , even in the picture you and that dog were buddies.

I always feel my dogs feel the same about me as I do about them.

I sure like dogs better than most people.

Maybe the next a&&hole I meet , I should just rub his ears, and then roll him over and rub his tummy until he falls asleep, what do ya think?

Wiz, I ain't making light of your loss, just trying to make you smile.

Hell , that should be easy for you. Go out in the back yard , sit quiet, and think of how much you loved your friend , I do and I always smile, sometimes thru tears, but I always feel better.

YES, get a new pup, and love it to pieces.

Steve hello from elk camp!! Bro don't go beating yourself up!!! I don't know the words to help ya but judging by your compassion your buddy had a great time here. Look at all the dogs that are neglected and abused. Feel proud of what you did for your friend and the life you provided. BE PROUD!!!
It hard to lose a great friend.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
"Hello from elk camp"? really Jason? And that is supposed to make me feel better? Seriously? Way to add insult to injury!! HaHa Good luck on your hunt. I thank all you guys for the nice words. I know he had a good life but it's easy to ask the question did I make HIM happy. I'm confident I did. Wierd waking up this morning and not seeing him out there....

T&A Inspector
Sorry to hear anout the passing of your "buddy" it is hard, I have gone through it twice. My first one he died in my arms at the Vets office on his 14th birthday. Still miss that "knucklehead" but he was a joy to have all those years. Still think of him at times when I see someone else with a Siberian Husky out for a walk and that was over 24 years ago.
The second dog was a mixed female and smart but unknown to us she had problems and had to have to put to sleep at only 5 years old and I held her in my arms that time too.

So now I enjoy other friends dogs and play with them and sneak treats to them too.

It is hard to loose a friend such as a dog as they are just as much family as the wife and kids would be.
He knows that you did all you could do for his comfort and now he has no pain anymore, treasure those days he was with you.


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