Fun? or Crazy?

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-11 AT 07:58PM (MST)[p]Lol thanks dude.

6 years ago I would have done it! Wife and kids change that. The sky coaster at lagoon looks close and its fun, safter conditions though.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-11 AT 08:56PM (MST)[p]Oh Hell NO!

I use to love stuff like that, until one day about 10 years ago I went sky diving and my parachute failed to open. Luckily my reserve came out but I blacked out as I was falling. Landed in a cow pasture and when I came to I kissed the ground, looked over and saw a bull staring at me.
I thought to myself this will make a great news story, Man survives skydiving fall but then killed by bull. LOL
My feet now stay on the ground. That video made me about faint.
Their mothers were on dope and booze during their third trimesters, all 9 of'em. There going to mark 28 all in one attempt!

Fun and Crazy!
There is no way on earth I could climb out on that rope while (I think) they are setting it up........actually, looks like fun to jump off and swing back and forth.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
That looks nuts! How do they get back up to the top?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Kinda reminds me of the joke about the guys bungee jumping down in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. One dude jumps off and springs back up with a bloody head. Goes down again and his buddy caught him next time up, then was asked if he was OK. "I guess so, but what the hell is a pinata?"

Seriously, I don't know if replacing 30 years with 30 beers would make me do that! My kid is wanting to hit Moab this summer with his equally young, dumb, full of... buddies to go 4 wheeling. Not too thrilled about that, either. He hasn't caught onto the concept that 4 wheel drive just gets you into deeper trouble.
Looks a helluva lot more fun than some of the bungee jumps I've done. Would love to do something like that.
I think of myself to have some pretty big Jewels when it comes to this kind of stuff but just watchin that made them tuck themselves up into my stomach so far i about choked. Not sure if i could do that
Would I do that? Hell yes... Talk about a rush.

I couldn't believe how far they swing out.
Don't think they have enough beer in Utah to get me to do that.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
If it were set up by professionals I would. Definatley not though when set up by friends that you party with and know how stupid they are.
They get back up to the top by repelling to the bottom after they are done swinging and then hike back up to the top. You can see the extra rope they have when they jump.

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